Activities of "hiteshsahu"


Yes we are using the Resource Owner Password Flow

const oAuthConfig = { issuer: 'https://localhost:44322/', clientId: 'DesignSystem', scope: 'offline_access openid profile email phone AccountService IdentityService',
requireHttps: true, };


full steps to reproduce the problem

1.After Login to the Application Go to the MyAccount => Personal Info

2 . Click on the Verify Button beside the the Email Textbox then we will get the confirmation mail at provided mail Id

3 . After Getting confirmation mail click on the Confirm my email address

4 .It will redirect to the following URL and get the InValid Token Error


FYI Already Configured the AppUrlOptions

please do let me know if you require more details


Any update on this


can any one help me out in this issue?


ABP Framework version: 7.0.1 UI type: Angular DB provider: EF Core Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes Exception message and stack trace: Steps to reproduce the issue:"

I am having issue when i try to confirm my email address i am getting invalid token issue

i found that in the token + is converting to \u002B

  1. below token which send with email confirmation request CfDJ8LXriWteL1JAq37fwddNTQoU0gQtV4tOOS9oe7VVk1rmYUUSLYJNbXtSkoHM2vP2PMOekW1KvIzeZKtEM8XCK/lhcU2BP9kZqvK0ARjxElDB8I6Ue7cA0HCf3nHEZcLzn0sQDP9Sy9HnjRzU7HchLKPO+0MxPIF2T3jOPGoZxzVaCqDKm6SgxllbgSiJpeGur0vs42DR2wPPN5nXwEq/W6pf2wHAuJReGlkrn+eXO0gsxgDdTUf7rA8qnCJzGx1U6w==

2.below token is received at server


[19:05:44 INF] Executed action Volo.Abp.Account.AccountController.ConfirmEmailAsync (Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.HttpApi) in 2757.4976ms [19:05:44 INF] Executed endpoint 'Volo.Abp.Account.AccountController.ConfirmEmailAsync (Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.HttpApi)' [19:05:44 DBG] Added 0 entity changes to the current audit log [19:05:44 INF] AUDIT LOG: [204: POST ] /api/account/confirm-email - UserName - UserId : AjazRathod - f8362771-14f3-97fc-4949-3a0b21877e05 - ClientIpAddress : ::1 - ExecutionDuration : 2758 - Actions:  - Volo.Abp.Account.AccountAppService.ConfirmEmailAsync (2752 ms.)  {"input":{"userId":"f8362771-14f3-97fc-4949-3a0b21877e05","token":"CfDJ8LXriWteL1JAq37fwddNTQp\u002Bh3s5u30kApOd8WHgsoBSXhjCTrhgXQeyx87JkAt6i9yZhDxpOWZMZBpUAeGgVfF/GJ4LvqzZFr0nGZUdQPKiBhnBNbg4LTeycK1FbAPWhKSOlYQUuaOQ/22Ptx\u002BilhUOh79p3HxnpGJS\u002B8yu1JzzcqauMKA7MRmy8DTaq1xIkYurx17kfjwuhkuTXVVdPDmcALV/Ou2lidMOCc9\u002BAjk0e72tHmHqAUw2VglRxh9eyw=="}  - Volo.Abp.Account.AccountController.ConfirmEmailAsync (2753 ms.)  {"input":{"userId":"f8362771-14f3-97fc-4949-3a0b21877e05","token":"CfDJ8LXriWteL1JAq37fwddNTQp\u002Bh3s5u30kApOd8WHgsoBSXhjCTrhgXQeyx87JkAt6i9yZhDxpOWZMZBpUAeGgVfF/GJ4LvqzZFr0nGZUdQPKiBhnBNbg4LTeycK1FbAPWhKSOlYQUuaOQ/22Ptx\u002BilhUOh79p3HxnpGJS\u002B8yu1JzzcqauMKA7MRmy8DTaq1xIkYurx17kfjwuhkuTXVVdPDmcALV/Ou2lidMOCc9\u002BAjk0e72tHmHqAUw2VglRxh9eyw=="}  [19:05:44 ERR] claim is empty or token is invalid. TrackingId:e34be745-9e8d-4f07-8495-0b9335edbf77_G25,, Timestamp:2023-10-19T14:38:18 Status: 401 (Unauthorized)  Content: <Error><Code>401</Code><Detail>claim is empty or token is invalid. TrackingId:e34be745-9e8d-4f07-8495-0b9335edbf77_G25,, Timestamp:2023-10-19T14:38:18</Detail></Error>  Headers: Transfer-Encoding: chunked ETag: 638102400516570000 Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0 Strict-Transport-Security: REDACTED Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 14:38:17 GMT Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8  System.UnauthorizedAccessException: claim is empty or token is invalid. TrackingId:e34be745-9e8d-4f07-8495-0b9335edbf77_G25,, Timestamp:2023-10-19T14:38:18 Status: 401 (Unauthorized)  Content: <Error><Code>401</Code><Detail>claim is empty or token is invalid. TrackingId:e34be745-9e8d-4f07-8495-0b9335edbf77_G25,, Timestamp:2023-10-19T14:38:18</Detail></Error>  Headers: Transfer-Encoding: chunked ETag: 638102400516570000 Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0 Strict-Transport-Security: REDACTED Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 14:38:17 GMT Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8   ---> Azure.RequestFailedException: claim is empty or token is invalid. TrackingId:e34be745-9e8d-4f07-8495-0b9335edbf77_G25,, Timestamp:2023-10-19T14:38:18 Status: 401 (Unauthorized)  Content: <Error><Code>401</Code><Detail>claim is empty or token is invalid. TrackingId:e34be745-9e8d-4f07-8495-0b9335edbf77_G25,, Timestamp:2023-10-19T14:38:18</Detail></Error>  Headers: Transfer-Encoding: chunked ETag: 638102400516570000 Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0 Strict-Transport-Security: REDACTED Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 14:38:17 GMT Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---  at Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus.Administration.HttpRequestAndResponse.ThrowIfRequestFailedAsync(Request request, Response response)  at Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus.Administration.HttpRequestAndResponse.SendHttpRequestAsync(Request request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)  at Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus.Administration.HttpRequestAndResponse.GetEntityAsync(String entityPath, String query, Boolean enrich, CancellationToken cancellationToken)  at Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus.Administration.ServiceBusAdministrationClient.TopicExistsAsync(String name, CancellationToken cancellationToken)  at Volo.Abp.AzureServiceBus.ServiceBusAdministrationClientExtensions.SetupTopicAsync(ServiceBusAdministrationClient client, String topicName)  at Volo.Abp.AzureServiceBus.PublisherPool.GetAsync(String topicName, String connectionName)  at Volo.Abp.EventBus.Azure.AzureDistributedEventBus.PublishAsync(String eventName, Byte[] body, Nullable1 eventId)  at Volo.Abp.EventBus.Azure.AzureDistributedEventBus.PublishToEventBusAsync(Type eventType, Object eventData)  at Volo.Abp.EventBus.Distributed.DistributedEventBusBase.PublishAsync(Type eventType, Object eventData, Boolean onUnitOfWorkComplete, Boolean useOutbox)  at Volo.Abp.EventBus.UnitOfWorkEventPublisher.PublishDistributedEventsAsync(IEnumerable1 distributedEvents)  at Volo.Abp.Uow.UnitOfWork.CompleteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)  at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Uow.AbpUnitOfWorkMiddleware.InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)  at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.UseMiddlewareExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass6_1.<<UseMiddlewareInterface>b__1>d.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location ---  at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.ExceptionHandling.AbpExceptionHandlingMiddleware.InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next) [19:05:44 INF] Request finished HTTP/2 POST https://localhost:44322/api/account/confirm-email application/json 324 - 500 - application/json 3076.0365ms

Kindly help me to resolve this issue

Thank you.

Any update on this

Hello Anjali,

I am simply want that after logout my application should redirect to the application login page instead of authserver login page

Steps to reproduce :

1.Enter credential and login into the application

2.Set the PostLogoutRedirectUris Configuration

Also want to know the use of the Enabled checkbox at the bottom of the screnshot.The checkbox reset to uncheck when i save the configuration

3 . Logout to the Application

After logout Application should Redirect to the Login page of my application(http://localhost:4300/account/login) shown in 1 step. But it is redirect to the AuthServer(https://localhost:44322/Account/Login) Login Page

Do let me know if you required any further details

Hi Anjali

I have updated the PostLogoutRedirectUris and also updated the appsettings.json of authServer still the issue is persist it is still redirected to authServer


<br> I have also notice that there is one checkbox after PostLogoutRedirectUris  which is not getting enabled after saving the configuration

Find below snapshot for your reference.


I am having issue when i logout to my application it is redirect to the Authserver (e.g https://localhost:44322), but it should be redirect to my custom login page (e.g http://localhost:4300/account/login)

I have already integrated the custom login page and my login is been performed from http://localhost:4300/account/login url

I have read the documentations and articles but found nothing related to this.

ABP Framework version: 7.0.1 UI type: Angular DB provider: EF Core Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes Exception message and stack trace: Steps to reproduce the issue:"

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13