Activities of "ilhan.ordukaya"


Please rename the file name as well.

I have already tried this solution and I continue to get the same errors.


You can rename your SearchModel class to MySearchModel or inherit the Volo.Docs.Pages.Documents.SearchModel.

[Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)] 
[ExposeServices(typeof(SearchModel), typeof(MySearchModel))] 
public class MySearchModel : SearchModel 
    private readonly IProjectAppService _projectAppService; 
    private readonly IDocumentAppService _documentAppService; 
    private readonly HtmlEncoder _encoder; 
    public MySearchModel( 
        IProjectAppService projectAppService, 
        IDocumentAppService documentAppService, 
        HtmlEncoder encoder) 
        : base(projectAppService, documentAppService, encoder) 
        _projectAppService = projectAppService; 
        _documentAppService = documentAppService; 
        _encoder = encoder; 
    public override async Task<IActionResult> OnGetAsync(string keyword) 
        if (!await _documentAppService.FullSearchEnabledAsync()) 
            return RedirectToPage("Index"); 
        KeyWord = keyword; 
        Project = await _projectAppService.GetAsync(ProjectName); 
        var output = await _projectAppService.GetVersionsAsync(Project.ShortName); 
        var versions = output.Items.ToList(); 
        if (versions.Any() && 
            string.Equals(Version, DocsAppConsts.Latest, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) 
            if ((!Project.ExtraProperties.ContainsKey("GithubVersionProviderSource") || 
                 (GithubVersionProviderSource) (long) Project.ExtraProperties["GithubVersionProviderSource"] ==GithubVersionProviderSource.Releases) && 
                Version = Project.LatestVersionBranchName; 
                Version = (versions.FirstOrDefault(v => !SemanticVersionHelper.IsPreRelease(v.Name)) ?? versions.First()).Name; 
        SearchOutputs = await _documentAppService.SearchAsync(new DocumentSearchInput 
            ProjectId = Project.Id, 
            Context = KeyWord, 
            LanguageCode = LanguageCode, 
            Version = Version 
        var highlightTag1 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); 
        var highlightTag2 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); 
        foreach (var searchOutput in SearchOutputs) 
            for (var i = 0; i < searchOutput.Highlight.Count; i++) 
                searchOutput.Highlight[i] = _encoder 
                    .Encode(searchOutput.Highlight[i].Replace("<highlight>", highlightTag1) 
                        .Replace("</highlight>", highlightTag2)) 
                    .Replace(highlightTag1, "<highlight>").Replace(highlightTag2, "</highlight>"); 
        return Page(); 

hi I have made the necessary adjustments to my project. However, I am unable to display the search bar in my project, and I am getting an error when trying to navigate to the search page using the link "https://localhost:44337/search".

I shared the project with the error by e-mail


Please share the detailed error log(Logs.txt).

getFn({filter}:PageQueryParams) { return this.service.getCityLookup(filter); }

componente dediğiniz gibi bir metod tanımladığımda şöyle bir hata alıyorum

hi maliming

I followed the instructions in the link to add Elastic Search to my project, but I am getting errors when trying to add it. I included the code from the "documents" folder in the Volo.Docs.SourceCode project into my own project, but I am still getting errors. I could not find any resources on how to add the search bar to my document page.

getCityData(input:PageQueryParams){ return this.service.getCityLookup(input) }

I think expected signature is different
here the signeture of getFn

getFn: (params: ABP.PageQueryParams) => Observable<ABP.PagedResponse<any>>;  

PageQueryParams is

 interface PageQueryParams {  
        filter?: string;  
        sorting?: string;  
        skipCount?: number;  
        maxResultCount?: number;  

lookupRequestDto is not compatible PageQueryParams maybe you should wrap this with a file or maybe you should re-generate the proxies.

Mahmut bey dediğiniz interfacelere ve sınıflara baktık herhangi bir farklılık göremedik konuyla ilgi uygun bir zamanınızda zoom üzerinden bir toplantı gerçekleştirebilirmiyiz?

mahmut bey merhaba sorun hala devam ediyor nasıl çözüme ulaştırabiliriz?

I think expected signature is different
here the signeture of getFn

getFn: (params: ABP.PageQueryParams) => Observable<ABP.PagedResponse<any>>; 

PageQueryParams is

 interface PageQueryParams { 
        filter?: string; 
        sorting?: string; 
        skipCount?: number; 
        maxResultCount?: number; 

lookupRequestDto is not compatible PageQueryParams maybe you should wrap this with a file or maybe you should re-generate the proxies.

Mahmut bey dediğiniz interfacelere ve sınıflara baktık herhangi bir farklılık göremedik konuyla ilgi uygun bir zamanınızda zoom üzerinden bir toplantı gerçekleştirebilirmiyiz?

OK, I'll wait for your project.

The 500 error that was caused by a backend issue has been resolved with the help of @gterdem 's support. Thank you for your assistance.But the front-end issue still persists. @mahmut.gundogdu

I have produced the issue. getFn ="" must be input. it is not output.

i am getting an error like this @mahmut.gundogdu

This is not the correct way to use modules.


I have reviewed the example you provided for the correct usage of the Docs module and based on this example, I have created two different projects. I used MSSQL and PostgreSQL in these projects. I used the ABP Framework GitHub sample project registration in both projects. I am able to view the documents in the MSSQL project, but I am unable to view the documents in the project where I used PostgreSQL

USE MSSQL USE POSTGRESQL Why might the problem be caused?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 05:21