Commercial nuget server lists some non existing packages which causes dotnet restore to fail. Please remove these packages from the nuget server listing
/usr/share/dotnet/sdk/3.1.102/NuGet.targets(123,5): error : The feed ' lists package 'Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Abstractions.3.0.0' but multiple attempts to download the nupkg have failed. The feed is either invalid or required packages were removed while the current operation was in progress. Verify the package exists on the feed and try again.
identityserver4 allows for some options to be set while adding the identityserver service. For our kubernetes deployment we wat to set the issuerurl for the identityserver to something else other than null. Normally in identityserver4 we would do it like this :
services.AddIdentityServer(options => { options.IssuerUri = "custom-url"; }) How can we do this with abp identityserver.
We have an enterprise licence including all source code. How can i access/download source codes of identity management components like abp-scope abp-client. I couldn't find them in the git repository
Can you solve this problem?