Thanks, Just need to add in appsettings part, no need to change in configuration side of code, right?
Configure<RedisCacheOptions>(options =>
options.InstanceName = "Production";
var dataProtectionBuilder = context.Services.AddDataProtection().SetApplicationName("GemsProduction");
if (!hostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())
var redis = ConnectionMultiplexer
dataProtectionBuilder.PersistKeysToStackExchangeRedis(redis, "GemsProduction-Protection-Keys");
This needs to be added before we setup applicationname and connection with redis right? Check screenshot and code and confirm please.
private void ConfigureDataProtection(
ServiceConfigurationContext context,
IConfiguration configuration,
IWebHostEnvironment hostingEnvironment)
Configure<RedisCacheOptions>(options =>
options.InstanceName = "Production";
var dataProtectionBuilder = context.Services.AddDataProtection().SetApplicationName("GemsProduction");
if (!hostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())
var redis = ConnectionMultiplexer
dataProtectionBuilder.PersistKeysToStackExchangeRedis(redis, "GemsProduction-Protection-Keys");
Which place need to add this code. As can not see this RedisCacheOptions declared or used any of the module pages (Authservermodule, WebModule)
Hello Team,
Any updates
Hello Team,
Shared logs above over email, please confirm if you received logs, shared links of all URLs for staging and production.
Also share the email where I need to send logs
Sure, which site logs should I send, staging one or production one?
In that case how we can get source code of chat module in our project?