Activities of "jpatron"


Would you mind elaborating on your response a bit more? Are you talking about the user edit page in the ABP application? Or are you referring to edit the user directly on Azure AD B2C?

We used the CLI instead of the Suite to create the solution. Another difference I just noticed between this solution we are having issues with and the other one for a different application is that we have an entity with navigation properties. Do you think that might be related to this issue?

In the meantime, I'll try to create a new solution using CLI, add the missing entities without navigation properties this time and see how that goes.

Thanks for reviewing the logs! We do not have any instance of "HasPrincipalKey" across our solution. I can create a new solution using Suite, but I am not sure how that would help us to reproduce this issue, could you elaborate a little further?

Hi, I emailed you the logs earlier today. Please let me know if you got the attachments. Thanks!

I would like to send you the logs of the last 3 failed builds in our CI/CD process but the character limit here prevents me to do so. Is there an email address I can send you the logs as attachments?

We removed the primary keys from our solution but the error still occurs randomly. Like I have said before, the steps are:

  1. Clean solution
  2. Run all tests

I am not sure how to provide you with a copy of our solution in a secure way, though.

Thanks for the links, but as I mentioned before, we are using ABP Commercial v.6.0.3, which seems to rely on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore v.6.0.5 so the second link doesn't quite apply to us. Based on the first link you provided, is the only solution to this issue for us to remove the foreign keys from our solution?

There are no particular steps to reproduce the error. The issue occurs randomly while running all unit tests either locally via Visual Studio or while part of our CI/CD process. We made a previous solution for a different application and we never found this issue there, though. The main difference between this new solution (let's call it "Solution B") and the one we made for the previous application ("Solution A") is that we have foreign keys between a couple of tables in Solution B.


I managed to accomplish the connection change. However, we are using a distributed cache for the entities within the "RealDataDb" context. Is there a way to reset the distributed cache for those entities, or remove them from the cache? Also, I noticed that this method gets called pretty frequently, is that expected?


I have created a CustomConnectionStringResolver as you suggested, but now I have a follow-up question. The Default connection is stored in the host database for each tenant. However, the connection I am trying to overwrite is stored in appsettings.json, not in the host database. When I debug into the ResolveAsync method of my CustomConnectionStringResolver, it doesn't seem to find the connection I am looking for. Here is my updated ResolveAsync method:

public override async Task<string> ResolveAsync(string connectionStringName = null)
    if (_currentUser.IsAuthenticated && _currentTenant.Id != null)
        var useDemo = await _settingManager.GetOrNullForCurrentTenantAsync(AppSettings.UseDemo);
        if (useDemo?.Equals("True", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true
            && connectionStringName != null
            && connectionStringName == "RealDataDb")
            var connectionString = _configuration.GetConnectionString("DemoDb");
            if (!connectionString.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                return connectionString;

    return await base.ResolveAsync(connectionStringName);

Both "RealDataDb" and "DemoDb" connection strings are stored in appsettings.json. Can I still use this method to decide which connection to use depending on the value of the useDemo setting?

Showing 11 to 20 of 20 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30