no need to generate returnurl like that.
you can try this https://<authserver>/account/register?returnurl=https://<publicwebsite>/account/login
You can use the current URL as the return URL.
For example:
var returnUrl = httpContext.Request.GetEncodedUrl()
I will fix the problem.
you can add a new AbpIdentityUserValidator
to check email to solve it now.
your ticket was refunded.
could you share a minimal reproducible project with me? i will check it.
Thanks for the report; we are missing angular UI. we will fix it in the next patch version. your ticket was refunded.
You can also use the Static or Dynamic C# clients to call the HTTP APIs of other microservices. However, the Integration Services is the recommended way to communicate between microservices because it allows you to hide your endpoints from the outside world and manage your services more easily.
I recommend you use the static csharp proxy.
https://abp.io/docs/latest/solution-templates/microservice/http-api-calls https://abp.io/docs/latest/framework/api-development/static-csharp-clients
thanks, we will fix the problem. https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/20657