Yes , suite supported module template.
If you just want see seeding data, you can inject the IDataSeeder
interface, see https://github.com/abpframework/abp/blob/2a22ebdd343cdeff094968c6e554086a5b602d65/templates/module/aspnet-core/host/MyCompanyName.MyProjectName.IdentityServer/MyProjectNameIdentityServerModule.cs#L220
But if you need to create database schema, use .DBMigrator
is best way.
Is there anything else that I am missing here that would prevent me from running the migrator locally to see this remote azure db?
You can use Management Studio login as cleverdbadmin and try to create database/table. if everything is ok. you can try simple connection string. e.g: Server=....;Database=....;UserId=...;Password=.....
Sorry reply late, seems Location
is not an entity, right? if so, suite can not add object type,
Maybe the user don't have permissons.
Permission can also be added by group so you should check for groups that the user belongs to as well.
Maybe this video will help you: https://community.abp.io/articles/replacing-identityserver4-with-identity-in-abp-arh0jxe1
You need remove All IdentityServer package and related code.
It says ,login failed for user xxxxxxx error, I think the problem is clear, you should double check.
And I check check it remotely shiwei.liang@volosoft.com
No, actually email setting UI just for Host side.