Activities of "liangshiwei"

Please, show me how to create and configure multiple environment appsettings files (appsettings.Development.json, appsettings.Production.json) in the DbMigrator project so that I don't have to change the values of OpenIddict Applications when migrating to the remote database.

you just need to create an appsettings.Production.json JSON file. And update the DbMigrator.csproj

    <None Remove="appsettings.Production.json" />
    <Content Include="appsettings.Production.json">

then you are use then dotnet run --environment Production command

By the way, I don't see the changes (remove and modify some properties of an entity) applied to the existing documents in MongoDb after running the DbMigrator. Does the DbMigrator (for MongoDb) apply the changes to the existing documents or only apply to the new ones? Or do I have to manually update the changes to the existing documents?

how do i reproduce this

please create a new ticket, thanks

you can remove these files.



consider this

okay, good luck

consider this.

override the leptonx default layout.


@inherits SideMenuLayout

@attribute [ExposeServices(typeof(SideMenuLayout))]
@attribute [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]

<LayoutView Layout="GetLayout()">

   private Type GetLayout()
       you can return your layout type dynamically here
       if(current URL = "xxx")
          return typeof(AdminLayout);
       }else if (xxxx){
          return typeof(ApplicationLayout);
       return typeof(DefaultLayout);

I just need to know the details of your project.

you can use the @layout


@inherits LayoutComponentBase



@page "test"
@layout ApplicationPageLayout

<p>test page</p>

which theme are you using?


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