Activities of "mahmut.gundogdu"

Can I look at the code? Maybe skip the step? for example. I occasionally forget to use '.subscribe()'. Is there error message ?


lpx-header-user,HeaderToolbarComponent are defined in LpxHeaderModule . you may add this module in your app or you can declare the component.

I couldn't produce the issue in my local with 6.0.3

NavbarRoutesComponent component manage menu-items. Navbaritems stored in NavbarService . If you mark an item as selected and another item in the parent as expanded, it will appear as selected.

@rafael..Ideally framework should have that option. Its basic requirement of any framework. Unfortunate abp seems like didn't think about it. Seems like we need to take long path. how did you manage to change the LeptonX source code. We downloaded LeptonX source code but we are unable to do anything with it. Any insight would be appreciated.

I apologize for the wait. In Turkey, we celebrate a long religious holiday (10 days). But adding style is not ABP-specific feature. Here the code from our codebase.

   const linkElem = document.createElement('link');
   linkElem.rel = 'stylesheet'; = style.bundleName;
   linkElem.href = `${style.bundleName}.css`;


I apologize for the wait. In Turkey, we celebrated a long religious holiday. Could you describe the steps for How do you limit the auth duration to 10 minutes?

When you implement the step of this link Your access token and identity-token might be limited. I would check the lifespan of the token. Maybe it was longer then your expecting


(in the termal, when you are located in angular app) abp generate-proxy -t ng then the proxy has been generated by cli. you can see the documentation for more information

I don't have any information about why you got the error. Can you share your app version and package.json. Maybe I can re-produce in my local

This menu added with ChatConfigModule.ForRoot(). Probably it is missing.

You can override error handlers via the angular DI system.

This is the component that shows a modal or redirect to the page.

It should not be necessary. Maybe there is another option. Instead of overriding the error handler, I am searching for a better alternative. due to the size of the ErrorHandler class. The override could be challenging. In any case. The Error handler codes were refactored in the 7.4 branch. it split small chunks.

I have tested. it has already fixed in v7.2 . It will be released as the first patch version.

You can override error handlers via the angular DI system.

This is the component that shows a modal or redirect to the page.

It should not be necessary. Maybe there is another option. Instead of overriding the error handler, I am searching for a better alternative. due to the size of the ErrorHandler class. The override could be challenging. In any case. The Error handler codes were refactored in the 7.4 branch. it split small chunks.

Showing 71 to 80 of 282 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30