Activities of "maliming"


Do you mean all source codes for Microservice?

We don't know much about AWS MQ. We can't provide help with it.

But if you can share detailed logs of all applications, we will try to check it.

hi @castcrewit

When we use AWS MQ broker as our Rabbit MQ the data seeding doesn't work properly, we hit the web Gateway and the WebGateway returns a 301 error

These two errors will be reflected in the logs(Logs.txt). Can you set the log level to Debug, reproduce the problem later, and share the logs of all related applications(API, authserver. gateway)?

public class Program
    public async static Task<int> Main(string[] args)
        Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
            .MinimumLevel.Override("Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore", LogEventLevel.Warning)
            .WriteTo.Async(c => c.File("Logs/logs.txt"))
            .WriteTo.Async(c => c.Console())


: )


Have you granted the ChatPermissions.Messaging permission to the current user?


Can you share your application's DbContext code?

public class MyProjectNameDbContext :
 * Notice: We only implemented IIdentityDbContext and ITenantManagementDbContext
 * and replaced them for this DbContext. This allows you to perform JOIN
 * queries for the entities of these modules over the repositories easily. You
 * typically don't need that for other modules. But, if you need, you can
 * implement the DbContext interface of the needed module and use ReplaceDbContext
 * attribute just like IIdentityDbContext and ITenantManagementDbContext.
 * More info: Replacing a DbContext of a module ensures that the related module
 * uses this DbContext on runtime. Otherwise, it will use its own DbContext class.


Please share the logs of the HTTP 500 error.



The 17379 is about MVC, but you are using Blazor Server.

Can you share a template project to reproduce this?

: )


Please don't use IFormCollection as the controller and Application service's parameter.

You can use a DTO to bind the form parameters.

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