Can you share more logs of all of the applications?
You can set the log level to Debug
to see more logs.
You're welcome~
hi pvaz
Can you confirm whether you have upgraded all abp packages?
Can you share a simple project to reproduce? liming.ma@volosoft.com
using (CurrentTenant.Change(TargetTenantId))
//delete permissionName.
permissionManager.SetAsync(string permissionName, string providerName, string providerKey, bool isGranted false)
//delete all permissions.
permissionManager.DeleteAsync(string providerName, string providerKey);
I mean you can create a new microservice project and add some code to reproduce the problem.
abp new BookStoreMS -t microservice-pro
context.Services.TryAddSingleton(typeof(IScopedServiceProvider<ReportingDataSourceService>), typeof(ScopedServiceProvider<ReportingDataSourceService>));
Can you use the template ms project to reproduce this?
You can share me the code and steps. liming.ma@volosoft.com
Not yet, none of us are docker experts. We just search solutions on Google. : )