hi @AndrewT
I will prepare a demo.
As I mentioned above, the Identity Server -> Client does not appear when I logged in as tenant admin, so I could not grant permission to this client on the tenant level.
The relevant entities of the identity server are not multi-tenant. You can only grant permissions to client on Host level.
the Authorize does not allow multiple policies, how to combine it with the custom policy for identity server client?
context.Services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.AddPolicy("YourPolicy", policy => policy.AddRequirements(new IAuthorizationRequirement[]
new Volo.Abp.Authorization.PermissionRequirement("Abp Permission Name 1"),
new Volo.Abp.Authorization.PermissionRequirement("Abp Permission Name 2")
public class TestingTenancyAppService : ApplicationService, ITestingTenancyAppService
hi @AndrewT
Use subdomain to confirm current tenant is no problem. https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Multi-Tenancy#domain-subdomain-tenant-resolver
There is a problem in angular. It fixed in 4.3. https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/8231
I will provide angular examples after 4.3, currently there are mvc and mvc tiered examples. https://github.com/maliming/DomainTenantResolver
Yes It will be fixed in 4.3.
I updated the Entity.
Can you share the code that update the entity?
You can change AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime
in database or IdentityServerDataSeedContributor
AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime : 31536000(default 365 day) => 1800(30 min)
the abp api generator doesn't recognise property names
It will support in v4.3. https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/7776
Which specific file in my project can I set this?
This is a static property, you can change it in places, such as Program.cs, Startup.cs