Does https://localhost:44338
up and running??
hi Gary
Can you share a simple project? You can create by CLI.
Only one complex type allowed as argument to a controller action that's binding source is 'Body'. But SaveReportContentAsync (api/app/generatedreport/{id}) contains more than one!
Can you share the source code of SaveReportContentAsync
What specific use case do you want to implement?
hi BernardoTeixeira
Sorry, We have no knowledge about powerbi. You can search for how it integrates with Identity server.
You can set a callback when modal open.
I was just asking if we can disable redis cache on the public website.
Yes, see
The easy CRM blazor is not running because the preview blazor nuggets are not getting downloaded/
Please update your NuGet.Config
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="" value="" />
<add key="BlazoriseMyGet" value="" />
The database folder is blank, i need to perform migrations to run the project for the first time ?
It will create the database automatically after running .
You can check these document first.
Are you planning to implement account linking for openid?
We haven't found a good solution yet.
Is it possible to implement account linking for openid?
This is possible, but just like you use your google account to log in to a website, when you switch google account, the website will not switch google identity.
Especially there may be multiple angular or mvc clients.
Is there a configuration option to disable account linking?
Not yet.
The angular client is authenticated by openid, it currently cannot implement link user login.
The link user can only work in the identity server website.
: )