Activities of "masum.ulu"

Hi viktor,

As far as I understand you want to

  • List users in custom page
  • If current user have permission you want to display name like Login or Login with this user option button in actions dropdown button. Like below

  • After click this button you want to open a modal if selected user's have authority delegations
  • After that you want to use casual authority delegation system

Is that right ?

If it's yes, Our current authority delegation system works for CurrentUser which means if you want use authority delegation system for selected user, you need to apply your custom logic at backend. So you also need to create new proxy (DTOs and Services). So the last step is the display authority delegation modal for selected user.

Or maybe I couldn't understand your goal. Can you correct me please ?

Hi again, your @angular packages version matrix seems messy, can you convert to all angular packages version to ~15.0.0 and remove node_modules | yarn.lock | package-lock.json after that install packages and try to run angular


your @abp and @angular packages version seems old are you sure you upgrade to 8.x.x ?

we'll call the connect/token API from the method login of AuthService (@abp/ng.core lib) so after removing it, the API returns invalid_grant message because when calling the connect/token API the login method automaticly send the dummyClientSecret value to the request body.

Hi can you please show request sample code and network in browser, because I couldn't understand which method includes the dummyClientSecret from environment state ? If u want to get token you can use the password grant

I'm closing this question, After patch update if it's still exits you can re-open or create new question with giving this question reference


Actually if you think carefully you can solve this problem easily, In ABP DOCUMENTATION we have DESCRIBED how to reach CURRENT TENANT and this is OBSERVABLE which means you can TRACK current tenant. If you want to load style per tenant you can use tenant id, ORR

Track the URL via ANGULAR ROUTER EVENT and handle the DOMAIN and load styles VIA LAZY LOAD SERVICE sooo

in summary it was enough to make a little bit research and we're supporting for lack of system not for specific custom logic 🙂

I hope I could answer your question.


What is the roles current user can you please share Roles tab in Edit User modal ?

Hi ed,

Can you send your package.json file in angular folder please ?

Hi Abdulaziz_Alsaffar,

Can you share your package.json please ?


I've produce this problem and refunded your credit. I'll fix it. This Question will be ref. for my internal issue I'll notify when it's done.

Edited [2024-04-04]

Hi again, we've fixed this problem in 8.1.x version

Hi manuel42

Can you share a gif for the understand better this situtation, even if you select Boxed Layout option after native is it disappear and selecting Full Width option again ?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30