Activities of "mc86"

@mailming 谢谢 筛选器已经可以使用了 但是有个问题 DataSourceLoadOptionsBase 中有2个属性都是SummaryInfo 类型的 用转换器的话只能添加一个类型, SummaryInfo a; SummaryInfo b; ulr只能像这样 “xxx/xxxx/a=[SummaryInfo ]”或者 “xxx/xxxx/a=[SummaryInfo ]” 有办法把在转换事件中获取属性名称吗?或者更改下转换器 在调用时将属性名称传入 或者接受自定义?

另外 如果我把API 更改成POST方法 是否可以把DataSourceLoadOptionsBase 直接传递给接口?

hi maliming 增加转换器后

Configure<AbpHttpClientProxyingOptions>(options => { options.QueryStringConverts.Add(typeof(DataSourceLoadOptionsBase), typeof(DataSourceLoadOptionsBaseToQueryString)); options.QueryStringConverts.Add(typeof(SummaryInfo[]), typeof(DataSourceLoadOptionsBaseSummaryInfoToQueryString)); });

DataSourceLoadOptionsBase 不会进行转换 但是SummaryInfo 可以 为什么?


problem is that the method doesn't work. I can get data from my api but if this method is working then the blazor client should request a URL like HTTP://remotehost/action?123445678.

public class DataSourceLoadOptionsBaseToQueryString : IObjectToQueryString, ITransientDependency
        public Task ConvertAsync(DataSourceLoadOptionsBase values)
            if (values==null)
                return null;

            return Task.FromResult("12345678");

i set a Breakpoint in the method but it was not hitted

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //url should like this at the end. ?requireTotalCount=true&take=10&totalSummary=[{"Selector":"SendTime","SummaryType":"count"}]

but //now the httpclient get the wrong url. ?requireTotalCount=true&take=10&

so I want to use QueryStringConverts to fix that.

My Microservice project is created in v5.0 rc and I just updated it to v5.0 and just add one entity to it。

I will creat Microservice project to test it.

HI maliming

it doesn't work.

got it after I try it, I will send feedback.

main folder

services apps

In main blazor or in my service blazor?

Hi maiiming My project is a Microservice Solution

Hi guys

I created an api like

        public virtual Task<LoadResult> GetDxListAsync(DataSourceLoadOptionsBase input)//[FromBody]
            return _mailsAppService.GetDxListAsync(input);

There is a complex parameter(DataSourceLoadOptionsBase ) in my API. and generate a static client. but"Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying" didn't handle it well.

then i found that in v5.0. there is a way to handle it myself. github so I add those code in my service's Httpapi.client

//in OaServiceHttpApiClientModule
 Configure<AbpHttpClientProxyingOptions>(options =>
                options.QueryStringConverts.Add(typeof(DataSourceLoadOptionsBase), typeof(DataSourceLoadOptionsBaseToQueryString));

public class DataSourceLoadOptionsBaseToQueryString : IObjectToQueryString<DataSourceLoadOptionsBase>, ITransientDependency
        public Task<string> ConvertAsync(DataSourceLoadOptionsBase values)
            if (values==null)
                return null;

            return Task.FromResult("12345678");

but after i called the method "GetDxListAsync" in my blazor client nothing happened.

is there someone can help me?

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