We are planning to upgrade to commercial license and use audit logging feature in our project. Currently we have implemented entities CRUD operations using custom repositories (DB stored procedures).
Ours is a tiered application with Blazor Web Assembly as a UI framework with Entity Framework and SQL Server. • ABP Framework version: v5.3 • UI type: / Blazor Web Assembly • DB provider: EF Core • Tiered (MVC) : Yes • Identity Server Separated : yes
We have large data in two entities - Department (600k) and DepartmentTypes (25K) and below application service method is causing performance issue. Any alternate entity supported approaches to resolve the performance issue?
Ours is a tiered application with Blazor Web Assembly as a UI framework with Entity Framework and SQL Server. • ABP Framework version: v5.3 • UI type: / Blazor Web Assembly • DB provider: EF Core • Tiered (MVC) : Yes • Identity Server Separated : yes
Reference code:
public async Task<..> GetDepartmentsWithTypeAsync()
var Departments = await _DepartmentRepository.GetQueryableAsync();
var DepartmentTypes = await _DepartmentTypeRepository.GetQueryableAsync();
var query = from p in Departments
join pl in DepartmentTypes on p.Id equals pl.DepartmentId
into joinGroup
from jr in joinGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
orderby p.Id
select new
var DepartmentDto = (from result in query
select new Department()
return DepartmentDto;
Please share sample code for using SQL Server DB stored procedure accepting input params and returning multiple rows with Entity Framework COre.
Ours is a tiered application with Blazor Web Assembly as a UI framework with Entity Framework and SQL Server. • ABP Framework version: v5.3 • UI type: / Blazor Web Assembly • DB provider: EF Core • Tiered (MVC) : Yes • Identity Server Separated : yes
We are using ABP framework with EF and Blazor Web Assembly for implementation. Currently the visual studio solution consists of five module projects and the performance of the blazor web application is slow. We tried to implement lazy loading for one of the modules using the below reference but getting below exception during runtime. Please help in resolving the issue.
Lazy loading reference: https://code-maze.com/lazy-loading-in-blazor-webassembly/
Ours is a tiered application with Blazor Web Assembly as a UI framework. • ABP Framework version: v5.3 • UI type: / Blazor Web Assembly • DB provider: EF Core • Tiered (MVC) : Yes • Identity Server Separated : yes • Exception message and stack trace: browser runtime console exception screenshot attached
Please share how to implement lazy loading modules/assemblies using ABP framework
Update: We also tried below comment solution but it didnt work https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/5543#issuecomment-1057630494
We are planning to upgrade our current implementation (Blazor UI) using ABP Framework v5.3 to a commercial license.
How to add below required commercial features into existing implementation:
Ours is an tiered application with Blazor Web Assembly as UI framework. • ABP Framework version: v5.3 • UI type: / Blazor Web Assembly • DB provider: EF Core • Tiered : Yes • Identity Server Separated : yes
Please share exisiting project upgrade steps to commercial license