from Angular source code it seems there are default titles for each type of error and there is no way to make is different for each error.
I have seen in validation exception and Business exception as well . I am unable to change message property of object returned from api.
"error": {
"code": null,
"message": "Your request is not valid!",
"details": "The following errors were detected during validation.\r\n - File Size cannot be bigger than 5mb\r\n",
"data": {},
"validationErrors": [
"message": "File Size cannot be bigger than 5mb",
"members": null
Even though I add custom message property like below its discarded and overwritten
var validations = new List<ValidationResult>() { new ValidationResult("File Size cannot be bigger than 5mb") };
throw new AbpValidationException(message: "teesting", validations);
I also tried to use business exception but same issue. Even you pass custom message which shows up on Angular UI model as title, Default error logic overwrites it. Can you please point to me to right direction how to achieve custom Angular Ui model title for each error.
I tried to add source code of theme shared module which is parent of extension module using
abp add-package @abp/ng.theme.shared -v 7.1.0 --with-source-code
Module does get added but I get build errors `./projects/abc/src/main.ts - Error: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@ngtools/webpack/src/ivy/index.js):Error: Debug error: from D:/Projects/abc/apps/angular/projects/abp-ng.theme.shared/extensions/src/lib/ui-extensions.module.ts), but not a .d.ts file
./projects/abc/src/polyfills.ts - Error: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@ngtools/webpack/src/ivy/index.js): Error: Debug error: from D:/Projects/abc/apps/angular/projects/abp-ng.theme.shared/extensions/src/lib/ui-extensions.module.ts), but not a .d.ts file
Error: projects/abp-ng.theme.shared/extensions/src/lib/components/grid-actions/grid-actions.component.ts:27:21 - error TS2612: Property 'index' will overwrite the base property in 'AbstractActionsComponent<EntityActionList
27 @Input() readonly index?: number; ~~~~~
Error: projects/abp-ng.theme.shared/extensions/src/lib/directives/prop-data.directive.ts:25:32 - error TS2612: Property 'index' will overwrite the base property in 'PropData<InferredData
25 @Input('abpPropDataAtIndex') index?: number; ~~~~~
Error: projects/abp-ng.theme.shared/extensions/src/lib/models/form-props.ts:70:12 - error TS2612: Property 'template' will overwrite the base property in 'Prop
70 readonly template?: Type
Please advice how to approach this problem. This issue is currently blocking my work , and I will appreciate if you can provide some solution. And I am using Commercial subscription with business account so I will be using source code of commercial module. which I already have.
This is critical for our application as I am trying to replace exiting pages UI to be consistent with design. and default ngx-datatable is not going to work with it.
I have seen current extensible component it does not provide any way to replace its template
UI Extension module does not define replaceable interface for these components. I have replaced some components like User and tenant which are relatively easy. Even if I create new selector: 'abp-extensible-table', component, how do I use DI to insert it to replace existing component.
any update on this guys. its really hard to override listing pages without this feature. Do i need to raise it somewhere else. As a commercial customer we need this as a feature. Ui consistency with design is important in our project and existing pages look quite different if we cannot edit this component.
We should be able to override extensible shared components. They are extremely important to bring Company design alive in the angular app. Otherwise, at the moment, we override every component individually if we have to override. Specially
exportAs: 'abpExtensibleTable',
selector: 'abp-extensible-table',
templateUrl: './extensible-table.component.html',
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class ExtensibleTableComponent<R = any> implements OnChanges {
protected _actionsText: string;
I have seem people raise it on abp framework GitHub as well. Is it possible to replace or extend Extensible table components. All these components are useful to change default layout of existing abp pages and will be really helpful if we can replace or extend them somehow.
@Component({ exportAs: 'abpExtensibleTable', selector: 'abp-extensible-table', templateUrl: './extensible-table.component.html', changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class ExtensibleTableComponent<R = any> implements OnChanges { protected _actionsText: string; @Input()