Activities of "nhontran"

Hi @maliming, the AbpControllerBase, IFormAppService are not available, do you mean AbpController, IFormApplicationService?

Hi @gterdem, thanks a lot for checking and update.

May I know what is the root cause? is there any workaround for this issue instead of waiting for the next release?

Hi @gterdem, I just sent the source code to

Please help me check, thank you.

Hi @maliming, the fix is working, I am able to link the user now.

Thanks for your support!

thank maliming for your confirmation, please share with me the fix once you have.

no, it does not work with new project either

Hi @maliming, I just tried to clear the redis cache, it's still not working, and I have tested this in the new project already. do you want to schedule a session to check?

Hi @gterdem, I just tested it using new project with version 4.4.3 and still got the same issue, it's a tiered application.

I have not tried with the version 5.0 preview, as we dont have intention to upgrade it yet, can we check on version 4.4.3 instead?

Hi @maliming, you can refer to this link for the full log:!ApPUoIZEMrYMtm4KDQ1L_T88OQZ_?e=adGw5d

thanks for your support.

Hi @maliming, this is the log that I provided already:

{"ClientId": null, "ClientName": null, "ValidateLifetime": true, "AccessTokenType": "Jwt", "ExpectedScope": null, "TokenHandle": null, "JwtId": null, "Claims": {"nbf": 1634111151, "exp": 1665647151, "iss": "https://localhost:44349", "aud": "abp_latest", "client_id": "abp_latest_App", "sub": "a8346126-26bd-e475-29df-39ff8ac671b5", "auth_time": 1634111150, "idp": "local", "preferred_username": "user1", "role": "user_role", "phone_number_verified": "False", "email": "", "email_verified": "False", "name": "user1", "sid": "C9AD8A4E92DBF82F9D6A7A5900988C02", "iat": 1634111151, "scope": ["openid", "profile", "role", "email", "phone", "abp_latest", "offline_access"], "amr": "pwd"}, "$type": "TokenValidationLog"} [15:50:08 ERR] Invalid extension grant{"error": "The target user is not linked to you!"}, details: {"ClientId": "abp_latest_App", "ClientName": "abp_latest_App", "GrantType": "LinkLogin", "Scopes": "abp_latest email offline_access openid phone profile role", "AuthorizationCode": "********", "RefreshToken": "********", "UserName": null, "AuthenticationContextReferenceClasses": null, "Tenant": null, "IdP": null, "Raw": {"grant_type": "LinkLogin", "LinkUserId": "a8346126-26bd-e475-29df-39ff8ac671b5",

As I explained, I want to add "new link user", there was a popup asking me to log out and log in with the new user, two accounts will be linked:

but I got the above exception after login as the new user, the problem is the VerifyLinkTokenAsync() return false in OnPostAsync() during the login new user, I just want to know why and what is the criteria for it to return true? both users do exist in the system with the same tenant.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30