Did you start a local redis via docker? When you create a seprated identity/openiddict server you need a redis running.
Here is the documentation for tiered solutions: https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/getting-started-running-solution?UI=NG&DB=EF&Tiered=Yes
Can you share the logs when you try to build the solution?
Also could you try to restore using the dotnet cli with the following command?
dotnet restore --no-cache --configfile .\NuGet.Config
If there are errors too, please share them with us.
The fix will be included in the preview version for 7.3. I refunded the question.
thanks for your report. I created an internal ticket for this and will get back to you.
Kind regards Nico
Unfortunately there is a problem, currently in blazor serverside that causes audit logging not working correctly.
We already have an issue open for this at github. You can check its state here: https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/11682
Hi there,
what DBMS do you use? (MySql, Mssql, PostgreSQL)
Nevertheless you should not need to provide that convenstion override and specify the DateOnlyConverter for DateOnly Props.
I created a fresh application (ABP Framework Version 7.2.2) using MySql as DBMS and added a TestEntity with nullable DateOnly Property:
public class NullableDateOnlyTestEntity : AggregateRoot<Guid>
public DateOnly? ValidFrom { get; set; }
After adding the DbSet for this entity, the migration could be created without specifing the value converter. Here is the resulting Migration:
As you can see the db column type would be date.
So please try to create the migration again without specifying the exact value converter.
Greetings Nico