Activities of "onurpicakci"

Hi, I couldn't reproduce the same error, if you already have redis and rabbitmq installed in your docker images, can you clear their cache? If the same problem occurs again, can you delete the redis and rabbitmq images on docker and do a clean install following the document?

Hi, can you check the configurations and module dependencies in the webModule of your application? The error seems to be related to this.


This question is closed as there is no problem. You can ask a question or open an issue again in a different problem.


Like I said, there's no problem. The reason for what you said is that your mouse cursor is still in the sidebar when you click the collapse button. You can also examine it in the video I uploaded to drive.


Hello, what exactly is the problem you are talking about? If you are talking about the foldable bar, there is no problem with its operation. Move your mouse cursor to a different spot and the panel will become collapsible. Move the cursor back to the sidebar and the menu will open. In short, there is nothing wrong with this behavior.

Hello, I have tested the situation on macOS and there does not seem to be a problem.

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