Activities of "oshabani"

it is simple, just create an MVC Tired solution with SQL entity framework ,

then add any permission to the table AbpPermissions , and restart your application (web) and there are no permission in the list


thanks for your answer, i already test it and it is not loading , i already added a permission to the database and re-start the auth-server but it is not showing in the permission list from Web-Application i am using Redis for sure




it was my fault , i was using the Web API (Web), where i should use web host API (Host API)


kindly refund this ticket

As what we understand, on record deletion, it started showing the deleted record after applying this configuration whereas it should be deleted physically (hard delete).

We applied this configuration in Application project....Is this the right project?

we already solved this by adding MultipleActiveResultSets=True ,

i have another question , how to enable Hard Delete globally including implemented modules like (Saas, Identity ,etc..)

We are facing this problem again and again but how it is happening we are unable to reproduce. What we know is once we do flush the Redis cache, It works again.

Thanks it resolved the issue.


I will try this but I see many changes in the above URL.

No problem...finally I have resolved the issue.

Just I have added the the Scope


As a favour, if you do not include in support tickets count that will be appreciated. Thanks.

No, it is not B2C tenant.

Showing 11 to 20 of 42 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13