Activities of "pvala"

Hi Team, I tried one method to update the roles of the User in the Claims.

What I did is I added this class in my AuthServer

using; using; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity; using Microsoft.Extensions.Options; using System.Security.Claims; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection; using Volo.Abp.Security.Claims; using Volo.Abp.Uow;


public class AbpUserClaimsPrincipalFactory : UserClaimsPrincipalFactory<Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUser, Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityRole>, ITransientDependency { protected ICurrentPrincipalAccessor CurrentPrincipalAccessor { get; } protected IAbpClaimsPrincipalFactory AbpClaimsPrincipalFactory { get; } protected IdentityUserManager IdentityUserManager { get; }

public AbpUserClaimsPrincipalFactory(
    UserManager&lt;Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUser&gt; userManager,
    RoleManager&lt;Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityRole&gt; roleManager,
    IOptions&lt;IdentityOptions&gt; options,
    ICurrentPrincipalAccessor currentPrincipalAccessor,
    IAbpClaimsPrincipalFactory abpClaimsPrincipalFactory,
    IdentityUserManager identityUserManager)
    : base(
    CurrentPrincipalAccessor = currentPrincipalAccessor;
    AbpClaimsPrincipalFactory = abpClaimsPrincipalFactory;
    IdentityUserManager = identityUserManager;

protected override async Task&lt;ClaimsIdentity&gt; GenerateClaimsAsync(Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUser user)
    var id = await base.GenerateClaimsAsync(user).ConfigureAwait(false);
    if (UserManager.SupportsUserRole)
    -- the next line is my code which I have written to fetch the roles for the user
        var roles = await IdentityUserManager.GetRoleNamesAsync(user).ConfigureAwait(false);
        foreach (var roleName in roles)
            id.AddClaim(new Claim(Options.ClaimsIdentity.RoleClaimType, roleName));
            if (RoleManager.SupportsRoleClaims)
                var role = await RoleManager.FindByNameAsync(roleName).ConfigureAwait(false);
                if (role != null)
                    id.AddClaims(await RoleManager.GetClaimsAsync(role).ConfigureAwait(false));
    return id;


And added the pre-configuration of this class in my module.cs class of AuthServer:

public override void PreConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
--- other configuration ---

    PreConfigure&lt;IdentityBuilder&gt;(builder =>

And I again checked the claims of the current user as you mentioned earlier and I got "admin" as a "role" claim for the user I am trying to log in with, but after clicking on the Login button, it would just stay on the same login page and it won't redirect to the angular app.

Any updates?

I have 2 tenants with which I am working, one is using the typical ABP Framework functionalities where I am not configuring anything for Roles and Users and another tenant where I am using the functionality for Roles and User which I mentioned earlier (custom tables for Roles and Users). I logged in with the admin users in both the tenants one by one and I took the bearer tokens from the API calls for both.

I then decoded both the tokens on, and this is what I got :

Tenant without any configurations :

{ "iss": "https://testdev.localhost:44322/", "exp": 1726231353, "iat": 1726227753, "aud": [ "AccountService", "IdentityService", "AdministrationService", "SaasService", "ProductService", "ClinicService", "AppointmentService", "FormsService" ], "scope": "offline_access openid profile email phone AccountService IdentityService AdministrationService SaasService ProductService ClinicService AppointmentService FormsService", "jti": "66a31ba9-3f34-4b08-99eb-1af568b2f9aa", "sub": "3a104ca8-2d0b-0494-3653-5e7e48633bd5", "tenantid": "3a104ca8-1855-db3b-b3ff-111fbf324753", "session_id": "8f3fd4b7-af95-4010-84c6-ae1f3ee5c927", "unique_name": "admin", "oi_prst": "Angular", "oi_au_id": "3a104cb2-5231-d25e-fb31-c2164327d46f", "preferred_username": "admin", "given_name": "admin", "role": [ "viewProfile", "admin" ], "email": "", "email_verified": "False", "phone_number_verified": "False", "client_id": "Angular", "oi_tkn_id": "3a14fd5e-03f3-c2ee-dee4-f8748f5e4497" }

Tenant with my overridden configurations for Roles and Users :

{ "iss": "https://test2dev.localhost:44322/", "exp": 1726231274, "iat": 1726227674, "aud": [ "AccountService", "IdentityService", "AdministrationService", "SaasService", "ProductService", "ClinicService", "AppointmentService", "FormsService" ], "scope": "offline_access openid profile email phone AccountService IdentityService AdministrationService SaasService ProductService ClinicService AppointmentService FormsService", "jti": "cccb1c53-8fa5-499a-93c9-3f432a7af6a1", "sub": "3a0daa97-5fba-2079-563c-3e26309bdc81", "tenantid": "3a0daa97-5b6d-e661-4f00-22309be7478d", "session_id": "07e566b7-b6f9-4415-8c16-681606f245a4", "unique_name": "admin", "oi_prst": "Angular", "oi_au_id": "3a14ecaf-dae0-d535-4201-7197e6e3092e", "preferred_username": "admin", "given_name": "admin", "email": "", "email_verified": "False", "phone_number_verified": "False", "client_id": "Angular", "oi_tkn_id": "3a14fd5c-cdc9-8b1a-c475-2c611fd52277" }

If you notice here, the token in which I did my configurations is missing the "roles" property, so conclusively, the roles aren't getting passed at first place when the JWT token creation is occurring. How do I deal with that? Where can I check what roles are being passed when the token is created?

I saved the Claims in a txt file, this is what I got :

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: iss ValueType: Value: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: exp ValueType: Value: 1726205828 OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: iat ValueType: Value: 1726202228 OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: aud ValueType: Value: AccountService OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: aud ValueType: Value: IdentityService OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: aud ValueType: Value: AdministrationService OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: aud ValueType: Value: SaasService OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: aud ValueType: Value: ProductService OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: aud ValueType: Value: ClinicService OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: aud ValueType: Value: AppointmentService OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: aud ValueType: Value: FormsService OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: scope ValueType: Value: offline_access openid profile email phone AccountService IdentityService AdministrationService SaasService ProductService ClinicService AppointmentService FormsService OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: jti ValueType: Value: 97cbc847-f151-4a24-b637-898808040e38 OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: sub ValueType: Value: 3a0daa97-5fba-2079-563c-3e26309bdc81 OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: tenantid ValueType: Value: 3a0daa97-5b6d-e661-4f00-22309be7478d OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: session_id ValueType: Value: e37331a7-978c-43ea-ab51-a4a24587245f OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: unique_name ValueType: Value: admin OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: oi_prst ValueType: Value: Angular OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: oi_au_id ValueType: Value: 3a14ecaf-dae0-d535-4201-7197e6e3092e OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: preferred_username ValueType: Value: admin OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: given_name ValueType: Value: admin OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: email ValueType: Value: OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: email_verified ValueType: Value: False OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: phone_number_verified ValueType: Value: False OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: client_id ValueType: Value: Angular OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Type: oi_tkn_id ValueType: Value: 3a14fbd8-86fd-8c6a-7c4a-471d72770d1f OriginalIssuer: https://test2dev.localhost:44322/ Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_tkn_typ ValueType: Value: access_token OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_crt_dt ValueType: Value: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 04:37:08 GMT OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_exp_dt ValueType: Value: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 05:37:08 GMT OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_aud ValueType: Value: AccountService OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_aud ValueType: Value: IdentityService OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_aud ValueType: Value: AdministrationService OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_aud ValueType: Value: SaasService OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_aud ValueType: Value: ProductService OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_aud ValueType: Value: ClinicService OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_aud ValueType: Value: AppointmentService OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_aud ValueType: Value: FormsService OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_scp ValueType: Value: offline_access OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_scp ValueType: Value: openid OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_scp ValueType: Value: profile OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_scp ValueType: Value: email OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_scp ValueType: Value: phone OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_scp ValueType: Value: AccountService OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_scp ValueType: Value: IdentityService OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_scp ValueType: Value: AdministrationService OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_scp ValueType: Value: SaasService OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_scp ValueType: Value: ProductService OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_scp ValueType: Value: ClinicService OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_scp ValueType: Value: AppointmentService OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

Subject: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity Issuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Type: oi_scp ValueType: Value: FormsService OriginalIssuer: LOCAL AUTHORITY Properties:

  • ABP Framework version: v8.2.1
  • UI Type: Angular
  • Database System: EF Core (MySQL)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes, Angular with Microservice Architecture
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

Hello Team,

We have a microservices based architecture solution for our project. We don't want to use the TenantId in the AbpUsers and AbpRoles tables as per our requirements. For that what we have done is, we have kept separate tables (UserTenantAssociation and RoleTenantAssociation), using these tables we will determine which user belongs to which Tenant. And for the Roles, we will have all the Roles in the AbpRoles table with all records having TenantId as NULL, which implies the Roles will be created only in the Host Tenant and not any other Tenant. The other Tenants will be using the same Roles as Host, and which Tenants have which specific Roles to use in their tenant, that will be determined using our custom RoleTenantAssociation table where RoleId (the Id of the role from the host tenant) and the TenantId of that Tenant will be stored).

Now, displaying the list of Roles and Users on the UI doesn't seem to be a problem as we have already done necessary changes in the Users and Roles repositories in the IdentityService to achiever this feat. But the problem arises when the User logs into the Tenants.

Let's say I have a User which belongs to a Tenant, and the User has a role assigned to it as "admin", now in the AbpUserRoles table, the UserId will be the Id of the User from AbpUsers table, TenantId will be TenantId of the Tenant in which the user is trying to log into and the RoleId will be the Id of the Role "admin" from AbpRoles table but it will have TenantId as NULL as the Role belongs to the Host and the same Role should be used by all the Tenants.

Now if we run the application and when the user logs into a Tenant, it doesn't have any Roles assigned to it in the CurrentUser class, and also the GrantedPolicies will also be empty since there are no roles assigned to the user in the currentUser section of application configuration api call.

I tried to check how the values are assigned to the CurrentUser, and I came to know that it gets the values from the Claims generated during the Authentication and are passed to JWT Token during the authentication.

this is the code I tried :

public class AbpUserClaimsPrincipalFactory : UserClaimsPrincipalFactory<IdentityUser, IdentityRole>, ITransientDependency { public AbpUserClaimsPrincipalFactory( UserManager<IdentityUser> userManager, RoleManager<IdentityRole> roleManager, IOptions<IdentityOptions> options) : base( userManager, roleManager, options) { }

public override async Task&lt;ClaimsPrincipal&gt; CreateAsync(IdentityUser user)
    var principal = await base.CreateAsync(user).ConfigureAwait(false);

    if (user.TenantId.HasValue)
            .AddClaim(new Claim(AbpClaimTypes.TenantId, user.TenantId.ToString()));

    return principal;


(I tried this code in Administration Service Domain project)

but when using it, the login page will just stay there even after clicking the login button with correct credentials, it doesn't redirect to the angular app.

I want to know how exactly the CurrentUser is assigned these values and I want to override it because we have different logic of fetching the roles (from our custom table). I specifically want to know how the roles are assigned to the current user.

Right now, what I have done is, I have manually updated the value of the RoleId in the AbpUserRoles table, I have updated the RoleId with the one which belongs to the host. And because of that when the user logs into the application, there in, the api/abp/application-configuration?includeLocalizationResources=false api is called and in response of that API call, the grantedPolicies in the "auth" section is an empty array and in the "currentUser" section the roles is an empty array.

example : { "auth": { "grantedPolicies": [] }, "currentUser": { "roles": [], }, } So, given the scenario, how exactly can I set these granted policies and the currentUser values in the application when the user logs in?

I added the RemoteService endpoints of the FormsService which is https://localhost:44395 in the appsettings.json file of the AuthServer (where I am trying to make the API call). And I changed the AddStaticHttpClientProxies to AddHttpClientProxies in the FormsServiceHttpApiClientModule.cs file. And it works fine.

But when I keep the AddStaticHttpClientProxies to use the static proxies, it throws the following error :

2024-08-12 13:02:59.777 +05:30 [ERR] An exception was thrown while activating λ:Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying.IClientProxyApiDescriptionFinder -> Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying.ClientProxyApiDescriptionFinder. Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException: An exception was thrown while activating λ:Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying.IClientProxyApiDescriptionFinder -> Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying.ClientProxyApiDescriptionFinder. ---> Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException: An exception was thrown while invoking the constructor 'Void .ctor(Volo.Abp.VirtualFileSystem.IVirtualFileProvider, Volo.Abp.Json.IJsonSerializer)' on type 'ClientProxyApiDescriptionFinder'. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying.ClientProxyApiDescriptionFinder.Initialize() at lambda_method80(Closure, Object[])

And I tried to check the code, and it turned out that it's coming from ClientProxyBase file from the Volo.Abp.Http.Client package (namespace : Volo.Abp.Http.Client.ClientProxying), here there's this propery named IClientProxyApiDescriptionFinder which is throwing the NullReferenceExceoption because of which it's not able to create the proxies.

protected virtual ClientProxyRequestContext BuildHttpProxyClientProxyContext(string methodName, ClientProxyRequestTypeValue? arguments = null)
    if (arguments == null)
        arguments = new ClientProxyRequestTypeValue();

    var methodUniqueName = $"{typeof(TService).FullName}.{methodName}.{string.Join("-", arguments.Values.Select(x => TypeHelper.GetFullNameHandlingNullableAndGenerics(x.Key)))}";
    var action = ClientProxyApiDescriptionFinder.FindAction(methodUniqueName);
    if (action == null)
        throw new AbpException($"The API description of the {typeof(TService).FullName}.{methodName} method was not found!");

    var actionArguments = action.Parameters.GroupBy(x => x.NameOnMethod).ToList();
    if (action.SupportedVersions != null && action.SupportedVersions.Any())
        //TODO: make names configurable
        actionArguments.RemoveAll(x => x.Key == "api-version" || x.Key == "apiVersion");

    return new ClientProxyRequestContext(
            .Select((x, i) => new KeyValuePair&lt;string, object&gt;(x.Key, arguments.Values[i].Value))
            .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value),

From this piece of code the problem seems to be coming, here in the code the line

var action = ClientProxyApiDescriptionFinder.FindAction(methodUniqueName);

the ClientProxyApiDescriptionFinder property of the class which is coming as null and hence the whole action is failing.

As you mentioned, the https://localhost:44325/api/abp/api-definition endpoint should return the list of all the endpoints. I checked this in the older version (7.3.2), there it was returning all the endpoints of the application, but in the upgraded version (8.2.1), when hitting the same endpoint, it only returned the following endpoints :

{ "modules": { "abp": {}, "auditLogging": {}, "featureManagement": {}, "fileManagement": {}, "gdpr": {}, "languageManagement": {}, "permissionManagement": {}, "settingManagement": {}, "textTemplateManagement": {} }, "types": {} }

(Because of the words limit I have removed the internal content of each module. The point here is that there is no endpoint in this JSON which corresponds to any of my microservices). This is happening in the newer version.

Can we set-up a meeting to resolve the issue?

My forms service is running on the port 44395, and when I hit the https://localhost:44395/api/abp/api-definition endpoint, all the API endpoints are there in the response, including the one that I am trying to use in the AuthServer.

Yes, I have added the FormsServiceHttpApiModule dependency in my WebGatewayModule.cs file, but when I hit the https://localhost:44325/api/abp/api-definition endpoint, it shows the endpoints of only the Administration service.

Showing 21 to 30 of 92 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13