Activities of "saad.aldulaijan"

I also tried to add on Auto Mapper Profile

public class IdentityServiceApplicationAutoMapperProfile : Profile
    public IdentityServiceApplicationAutoMapperProfile()
        CreateMap<OpenIddictApplication, ApplicationDto>().MapExtraProperties();     

It throws an exception:

AutoMapper.AutoMapperConfigurationException: Unmapped members were found. Review the types and members below. Add a custom mapping expression, ignore, add a custom resolver, or modify the source/destination type For no matching constructor, add a no-arg ctor, add optional arguments, or map all of the constructor parameters

OpenIddictApplication -> ApplicationDto (Destination member list) Volo.Abp.OpenIddict.Applications.OpenIddictApplication -> Volo.Abp.OpenIddict.Applications.Dtos.ApplicationDto (Destination member list)

Unmapped properties: AllowPasswordFlow AllowClientCredentialsFlow AllowAuthorizationCodeFlow AllowRefreshTokenFlow AllowHybridFlow AllowImplicitFlow AllowLogoutEndpoint AllowDeviceEndpoint Scopes

I already tried it it didn't work, it returns 401 if not authenticated. It seems fileDescriptorAppService itself is secured.

Solution is to have shared library between the services. ETO must be exactly the same.

so this is useless?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13