Activities of ""

hi @serdar.genc

This can't be managed now.

How can I disable for all tenant ?

It is related to this question. I want to disable some modules in some edition packages. For example, I want CMS module enabled in Gold Edition and disabled in Standard Edition. How can I manage this?

Hi @Serdar, you need to override the CurrentTenant class, get the tenant by current tenant id and access the Extra Property dictionary of the tenant.

[Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)] 
[ExposeServices(typeof(ICurrentTenant), typeof(CurrentTenant), typeof(MyCurrentTenant))] 
public class MyCurrentTenant : CurrentTenant 
   private readonly ITenantRepository _tenantRepository; 
   public MyCurrentTenant(ICurrentTenantAccessor currentTenantAccessor, ITenantRepository tenantRepository):base(currentTenantAccessor) 
        _tenantRepository = tenantRepository; 
   public async Task<Dictionary<string, object>> GetExtraProperties()  
           return new Dictionary<string, object>(); 
       var tenant = await _tenantRepository.GetAsync(base.Id); 
       //implement your logic 
       //tenant.ExtraProperty ... 

tesekkurler @EnginCanV.

i think like this , right ?

if you say yes, why '[Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]' ReplaceServices error ? deprecated ?

handle it. thanks.

Which sample application can I follow?


Teşekkürler arkadaşlar. deneyip haber vereceğim.


Metronic theme is great. Abp lepton theme can be upgraded to such high quality ? how can we have have such a page as below ?

The multi step registration (sign up) steps ?

Hello , Did you implementation metronic8 to abp?

handle it. like this :


You can try:

thank you so much.

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