Activities of ""

hi I want to set link instead modal in datatable as following bellow :

can you give me solution please


You can create a shared project, like xx.Domain.Shared for common settings.

Hi I mean I have some common entities between tow module like country entity

Do you prefer to create a new module for common entities?

Please consultation

I have two module one Recruitment and another HR ..

I have special settings for each of them and some common settings for them ..

Do you prefer to create a module for the settings and put all the settings in it , Or put the settings for each module in the same model


Can you share the full HTTP request and response?

hi sorry for lating

  1. this is when I use tokenHeaderName and give me Status code :400 as shown in the following figure :

  1. this is when i use requestverificationtoken and give me status code :200 as shown in the following figure :

var tokenHeaderName =; var token =;

hi give me Status code :400 as shown in the following figure :

but when rename tokenHeaderName to requestverificationtoken it work very well

thank u


What happens when you use and in the browser's console tab?


I guess you need to add antiForgeryToken to the request header.


new Dropzone('....',{  
    headers: {  

hi give me this error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.' as shown in the following figure :

  • ABP Framework version: v5.0.0
  • UI type: MVC
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no
  • Status Code: 400 .

hello bro ... I have stopped ConfigureAutoApiControllers in my proj as shown in the following figure :

and I have creaded new FileController as shown in the following figure :

when I send request from swagger it work done and Status Code :200 as shown in the following figure :

but by using dropzone libraray as shown in the following figure :

and send request from UI MVC it doesn't work and give me Status Code :400 as shown in the following figure :

the question

why give me status code 400 . Although I have used same url in swagger ?

thank u ...

As I mentioned before;

ABP module & module-pro templates do not have any initial Feature implementation like "Enable/Disable"

But all ABP and Commercial ABP prebuilt modules (like Forms and others) have their own feature implementation, at least "Enable/Disable", those features added by Volo and ABP team while developing the module.

When you are creating a new module, ABP Suite uses module-pro template and the template does not have any feature implementation.

So, when you create a new module, you must add feature to your module by yourself for now. You can easily add any feature by following documentations below:

For the second question:

If you want to add a script to layout, you can use Hook system. Please check the documentation below.

thank bro : )

hi bro .. I am meaning as follow :

  1. when I have added module-pro template from abp suite like this forms module it appear within feature in edition like this but when I have created new module from here : it doesn't appear within feature in edition ...

  2. another question bro .... How can I add script external link like this <script type="text/javascript" src='' '></script> as a bundle.... becuase when I have added like this : it give me this error in browser : Could not find the bundle file '' for the bundle 'Lepton.Global'

thank u so much

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13