Good question, I will prepare a new ABP solution for you. After I create it by ABP Suite.
At first, I placed the code in PreConfigureServices. Failed as before. Then, I placed the code in ConfigureServices, Failed again.
I place the code in ConfigureServices and PreConfigureServices.
Configure<AbpLocalizationOptions>(options =>
options.DefaultResourceType = typeof(BlazorOneResource);
But I still get the same error as before.
I have checked the source code of ABP Framework. Volo.Abp.FeatureManagement Volo.Abp.FeatureManagement.Blazor /Components/FeatureManagementModal.razor line 65.
I past the code as below
<SelectItem Value="@item.Value">
Sometimes, CreateStringLocalizer(item.DisplayText.ResourceName) return a null object. So, GetString will throw exception.
You may think these senarios: Such as I change the file name /class name of Resource file. But a feature setting has already been stored into database many months ago...
There are 4 links in bottom. (Lepton Theme/ Privacy /Cookie/ Contact). How to change theme?
It is cause by three third party packages which is under NET 6.0 and with referrence to Microsoft Extensions Optons.
After I upgrade all third party packages from NET 6.0 to NET 7.0.
the bug has been resolved.
Thank you!
I use docker build with --no-cache.
what is residue?how to disable?
After I replaced Lepton with LeptonX, I can resolve the problem follow abp document.
I noticed that the below style code at head area within MVC pages. But can't find below code at head area within Blazor pages.
:root {
--logo: url(/images/logo/zimuceping.png) !important;
--logo-reverse: url(/images/logo/zimuceping.png) !important;
within the gitlab runner at linux. while calling docker build, it is also can not use the Directory.Build.props... so, all the propertiy value of version number is null...