I have added override the logo path it's not effecting in the page
public class AbpIoDocsBrandingProvider : DefaultBrandingProvider
public override string AppName => "Acme - MyBookStore";
public override string LogoUrl => "/images/myLogo.png";
6 Answer(s)
I've created an internal issue for this. by the way, you can change the logo by overwriting the file in your
foldersrc\Acme.BookStore.Web\wwwroot\images\logo\theme1.png src\Acme.BookStore.Web\wwwroot\images\logo\theme1-reverse.png
Yes i done this way but i need to change the logo tenant based. is any other way to display tenant based logo?
As of
you can override application logo easily without replacing the physical logo png files. You can inject any service and create your own logic to set the logo.[Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)] public class BookStoreBrandingProvider : DefaultBrandingProvider { //You can inject services here... private readonly ICurrentTenant _currentTenant; public BookStoreBrandingProvider(ICurrentTenant currentTenant) { _currentTenant = currentTenant; } public override string AppName => "Acme - MyBookStore"; public override string LogoUrl { get { if (_currentTenant.Name == "MyCustomer") { return "http://mycustomer.com/logo.png"; } if (_currentTenant.Id.HasValue) { return $"/images/logo/{_currentTenant.Id}"; } return "/images/logo/my-default-app-logo.png"; } } public override string LogoReverseUrl => LogoUrl; }
I create this class at xxx.Application.Contracts, but getting error DefaultBrandingProvider, What iam missing ??, abp version 2.7.0
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection; using Volo.Abp.MultiTenancy; [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)] public class COREBrandingProvider : DefaultBrandingProvider <== Error { //You can inject services here... private readonly ICurrentTenant _currentTenant;
public COREBrandingProvider(ICurrentTenant currentTenant) { _currentTenant = currentTenant; } public override string AppName => "Acme - MyBookStore"; public override string LogoUrl {
@arifharsono I believe you have to create it in the Host/Web/Identity projects (depending on what setup your using) to get access to DefaultBrandingProvider
Its located in Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Theme.SharedComponents
@arifharsono you cannot use this class in Application.Contracts because that layer is not aware of Web components.
Use it in your *.Web project. There should be already a
in your web project. (ChangeBookStore
with your project name)The class in this package => Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Theme.Shared
namespace Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Theme.Shared.Components { public class DefaultBrandingProvider : IBrandingProvider, ITransientDependency { public virtual string AppName => "MyApplication"; public virtual string LogoUrl => null; public virtual string LogoReverseUrl => null; } }