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Pro Module File Management Angular UI setup guidance #1200

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harshalp created
  • ABP Framework version: v4.3.RC
  • UI type: Angular
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no

We want create solution with net core / Angular with File Management Module Source Code. we tried multiple attempt with failure. can you please provide step by step guide to create solution. the problem we are facing We try to add File Management as Project from AbpSutie it download the solution but Angular folder is missing. i get it using get-source but dont know how can we use this Angular UI as library in our solution. we would like to do major changes in File Management UI

Actually there has been lot of delay happend due mulitple attempts figuring this out, is it possible to have remote session to understand problem better. need your urgent attention.

7 Answer(s)
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    harshalp created

    just to add that am doing development on mac, please respond at earliest. there is no detailed documentation which covers angular ui in pro modules with source code. please consider filemanagement module in explaination.

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    bunyamin created


    I assume you already added backend code and File-Management API is up and running. The following instructions are to add angular code only.

    Navigate to your angular project and run the following command

    • Firstly, we need to create a library within our application with which we will replace with the downloaded file-management code.

    yarn ng g library file-management or if you are using npm npm ng g library file-management which will create a library named file-management within projects folder, also this command will update angular.json and tsconfig.json files as well.

    Open tsconfig.json and replace file-management within paths with the marked lines

      "compileOnSave": false,
      "compilerOptions": {
        // ...
        "paths": {
          "@proxy": ["src/app/proxy/index.ts"],
          "@proxy/*": ["src/app/proxy/*"],
          "@volo/": ["projects/file-management/src/public-api.ts"], // <- this line
          "@volo/": ["projects/file-management/config/src/public-api.ts"] // <- and this line
      // ...
    • Secondly, we need to install 3rd party libraries that the file-managementmodule needs.

    npm install @uppy/core @uppy/xhr-upload @uppy/dashboard or yarn add @uppy/core @uppy/xhr-upload @uppy/dashboard

    • Then, we need to enable synthetic default imports because of the 3rd party libraries. Open tsconfig.json and enable the following option

    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, within complierOptions

    • At this point, you can replace the content of projects/file-management with the downloaded code.

    Your project structure should look like the following

    • Now we need to edit two files and we are good to go.

    Open up app.module.ts and import FileManagementConfigModule into your AppModule

    import { FileManagementConfigModule } from '@volo/';
      declarations: [AppComponent],
      imports: [
        // ...
    export class AppModule {}
    • Finally, open up app-routing.module.ts and add the following route config to routes array
    const routes: Routes = [
      // ...
        path: 'file-management',
        loadChildren: () =>
          import('@volo/').then(m => m.FileManagementModule.forLazy()),

    Everything should work just fine and you can start editing file-management code. You can see the edited header below.

    Also, if you want to move file-management link to the root in navbar, open up route.provider.ts in file-management/config/src/providers and remove the commented line

            path: '/file-management',
            name: eFileManagementRouteNames.FileManagement,
            layout: eLayoutType.application,
            // parentName: eThemeSharedRouteNames.Administration,
            iconClass: 'fa fa-folder-open',
            order: 6,
            requiredPolicy: eFileManagementPolicyNames.DirectoryDescriptor,

    Keep in mind that, we often add new features to the File-Management module. Using its code within your project will make it hard to upgrade and utilize new features.

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    harshalp created

    Thanks you for detailed response. with latest 4.3 final version i was able to get file-management module but tried same steps for Form Module it is giving me below error

    I have verified source code and i found that this module is incomplete.

    I am also not able to see CMSKit module. i am able to configure permission for the same but there are no links to access this module.

    Would really appriciate you quick response

    Thank you

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    bunyamin created


    I'm glad that you were able to get the file-management module up and running.

    Regarding your other question, the angular packages of CMSKit and FormsModule have not been developed yet. We don't have an exact plan for those modules because we are working on some other features/projects that have higher priority.

    Closing this issue since the original problem is solved.

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    harshalp created

    Thanks for the response, actually these are really important modules and we were waiting for them so long. do we at least have any tentetive timeline for angular UI for theses module.

    Should i make another ticket for this ?

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    hikalkan created
    Support Team Co-Founder


    Forms and CMS Kit modules are released with the version 4.3. So, they are pretty new. We don't have a plan to implement Angular/Blazor UI in the version 4.4 (which will be released in the end of Q2, 2021). In the v4.4, we will enhance these modules to fill some gaps. In every milestone, our team is deciding on the new features and modules. We will consider to implement Angular/Blazor UI for these modules in the next versions based on customer feedbacks.

    We see these modules as business specific modules, but not fundamental modules (like user management). If that's critical and urgent for your business, I suggest to implement the Angular UI for your own application instead of waiting.

    Best regards.

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    MILLENNIUM created

    Hi Hikalkan,

    Any update regarding the angular implementation of CMS Kit module, it was planned to be ready by Q2 2021 and we are waiting for it!

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 14, 2025, 08:49