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I created new Tenant and I always get - Invalid username or password! #1491

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VivekKoppula created

I created a new application as per the steps here.

The options choosen during solution creation are as per the images shown in this issue(closed now)

I am not able to successifully login, able to create another admin also and login.

But when it comes to creating a new tenant, the login to the new tenant is always failing.

I tried three times, completely deleting the database and starting fresh everytime.

What am I missing?

2 Answer(s)
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    davidc@educlarity.com created

    This has been asked many times before.... Including by myself.

    Here was/is the temporary solution from my existing ticket.


    Im not sure if this is considered an error or not or what are the plans for ameliorating the issue.

    Good luck! --Dave

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    VivekKoppula created

    Thank You Dave.

    When I created a new Tennant I choose Standard Edition(see my first image) and I got into that problem. Then I tried without the 'Standard' edition(chose blank). It worked.

    From then on, it started working even with Standard Edition.

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 12, 2025, 05:21