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How to remove a JavaScript or CSS file from the bundle in MVC? #184

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alper created
Support Team Director

How do I remove the jquery.js from the bundle?

1 Answer(s)
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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    There are standard bundles come from the framework itself. These are CSS and JavaScript bundles. You can get list of these files and remove/add. Open BookStoreWebModule.cs In ConfigureServices() method, add the below code

       Configure<AbpBundlingOptions>(options =>
                        .Configure(StandardBundles.Scripts.Global, bundle => {

    And add this class,

    public class RemoveJqueryScriptContributor : BundleContributor
                public override void ConfigureBundle(BundleConfigurationContext context)
                    var jquery = context.Files.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EndsWith("jquery.js", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                    if (jquery != null)

    This code removes jquery.js from the standard global scripts bundle.

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