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AbpAuditLogs and AbpAuditLogActions #218

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lalitChougule created

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  • ABP Framework version: v2.7.0
  • UI type: Angular
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Seperated (Angular): no / Yes
  • Exception message and stack trace: N.A
  • Steps to reproduce the issue: N.A


I need to know how the record get inserted into AbpAuditLogs and AbpAuditLogActions as I want to implement a bit customized logging of my own. How can I implement the same for my own tables or you can say I just want to insert only few Http Status code related data to my own custom table.

How can I do it ?

7 Answer(s)
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    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer



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    lalitChougule created


    I have implemented Serilog.Sinks.AwsCloudWatch to log my data to AWS-CloudWatch But the problem is according to the documentations of SeriLog I can log data as per LogEventLevel to the CloudWatch which creates huge amout of unnecessary data

    What if I want to log only the data which get logged into AuditLog and AuditLogAction table from database to AWS-CloudWatch.

    Is this possible and how to implement it ?

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    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    Yes you can.

    You can custom AuditingStore to save auditlog to AWS-CloudWatch.

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    lalitChougule created

    Thanks @liangshiwei

    It will be very helpfull if u can provide some sample code to demonstrate implementation of custom AudtingStore

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    lalitChougule created


    As you said I tried implementing AudtingStore. But I was not able to log the data like AbpAuditLog.I think I missed out something I got reference from the source code Below is my code , Please help if something is wrong in the implementation

    [Dependency(TryRegister = true)]
    public class AWSAuditingStore: IAuditingStore, ISingletonDependency
            public ILogger<AWSAuditingStore> Logger { get; set; }
            public AWSAuditingStore()
                Logger = NullLogger<AWSAuditingStore>.Instance;
            public Task SaveAsync(AuditLogInfo auditInfo)
                Logger.LogInformation("AWSAuditingStore : {0}", auditInfo.ToString());
                return Task.FromResult(0);
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    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    I create a simple implementation, but I don't know about AWS-CloudWatch, I hope I can help you.

    [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
    public class CustomAuditingStore : AuditingStore
        private readonly LogEventBatch _repo = new LogEventBatch();
        private readonly IAmazonCloudWatchLogs _client;
        private int _requestCount = 5;
        private static readonly Regex InvalidSequenceTokenRegex = new
            Regex(@"The given sequenceToken is invalid. The next expected sequenceToken is: (\d+)");
        public CustomAuditingStore(
            IAuditLogRepository auditLogRepository,
            IGuidGenerator guidGenerator,
            IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager,
            IOptions<AbpAuditingOptions> options)
            : base(auditLogRepository, guidGenerator, unitOfWorkManager, options)
            _client = new AmazonCloudWatchLogsClient(..your config);
        public override async Task SaveAsync(AuditLogInfo auditInfo)
            await SendMessages();
            await base.SaveAsync(auditInfo);
        private void AddSingleMessage(string message)
            _repo.AddMessage(new InputLogEvent()
                Timestamp = DateTime.Now,
                Message = message,
        private async Task SendMessages()
                //Make sure the log events are in the right order.
                _repo._request.LogEvents.Sort((ev1, ev2) => ev1.Timestamp.CompareTo(ev2.Timestamp));
                var response = await _client.PutLogEventsAsync(_repo._request).ConfigureAwait(false);
                _requestCount = 5;
            catch (InvalidSequenceTokenException ex)
                //In case the NextSequenceToken is invalid for the last sent message, a new stream would be
                //created for the said application.
                if (_requestCount > 0)
                    var regexResult = InvalidSequenceTokenRegex.Match(ex.Message);
                    if (regexResult.Success)
                        _repo._request.SequenceToken = regexResult.Groups[1].Value;
                        await SendMessages().ConfigureAwait(false);
    /// <summary>
    /// Class to handle PutLogEvent request and associated parameters.
    /// Also has the requisite checks to determine when the object is ready for Transmission.
    /// </summary>
    public class LogEventBatch
        public TimeSpan TimeIntervalBetweenPushes { get; private set; }
        public int MaxBatchSize { get; private set; }
        public bool ShouldSendRequest(int maxQueuedEvents)
            if (_request.LogEvents.Count == 0)
                return false;
            if (_nextPushTime < DateTime.UtcNow)
                return true;
            if (maxQueuedEvents <= _request.LogEvents.Count)
                return true;
            return false;
        int _totalMessageSize { get; set; }
        DateTime _nextPushTime;
        public PutLogEventsRequest _request = new PutLogEventsRequest();
        public LogEventBatch(string logGroupName, string streamName, int timeIntervalBetweenPushes, int maxBatchSize)
            _request.LogGroupName = logGroupName;
            _request.LogStreamName = streamName;
            TimeIntervalBetweenPushes = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeIntervalBetweenPushes);
            MaxBatchSize = maxBatchSize;
        public LogEventBatch()
        public int CurrentBatchMessageCount
            get { return this._request.LogEvents.Count; }
        public bool IsEmpty => _request.LogEvents.Count == 0;
        public bool IsSizeConstraintViolated(string message)
            Encoding unicode = Encoding.Unicode;
            int prospectiveLength = _totalMessageSize + unicode.GetMaxByteCount(message.Length);
            if (MaxBatchSize < prospectiveLength)
                return true;
            return false;
        public void AddMessage(InputLogEvent ev)
            Encoding unicode = Encoding.Unicode;
            _totalMessageSize += unicode.GetMaxByteCount(ev.Message.Length);
        public void Reset(string SeqToken)
            _totalMessageSize = 0;
            _request.SequenceToken = SeqToken;
            _nextPushTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(TimeIntervalBetweenPushes);
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    lalitChougule created

    Thanks alot @liangshiwei It worked

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