basil@rabbitstack.com created
**ABP Framework version:**5.1.3 UI type: Angular DB provider: EF Core Identity Server Separated (Angular): no
I've been trying to find documentation or sample code to create a tabs service of our own for our modules to inject into. Basically would like to mimic the SettingTabsService In the base project I've patched the tenant navigation element and created a tenant page with full page edit On the full page edit I have a tab called Modules. I want to create a TenantModuleTabsService that would display a component from the module in the base project.
module to add to the tab service
- and where should this service be positioned in the project structure? Any assistance or guidance would be greatly appreciated
1 Answer(s)
managed to figure this out using this article. https://javascript.plainenglish.io/dynamic-tab-based-application-using-angular-material-9f9da7de5732