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I cannot perform crud operations in the module I added as a nuget package. #2984

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developer_infoline created
  • ABP Framework version: v5.2.1
  • UI type: MVC /
  • DB provider: EF Core / Mssql
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"

I created an Abp web project. And I added a test module. I created the entities in the module. I have completed dbcontext configurations in my main project. I was able to reach my page where I can perform crud operations in the module over the web.


I made the module a nuget package as a separate dll. I added it to another web project and followed the same configuration paths. I also added the relevant dependencies from the module to the .....module.cs classes in the layers.

When I open my web project, I can perform my permissions on the module page. I can also open plain html page for module without entity but I am getting the following error on the index.cshtml page where the crud processes are.

14 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    You also need to depends on the Application Module

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    developer_infoline created

    Thank you for your answer.

    I added [DependsOn(typeof(NugetTestApplicationModule))] in ApplicationModule.cs. I get the error even though I have added the dependencies in all layers

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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    Can you share the code of INitificationsAppService and its implementation class?

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    developer_infoline created

    using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos; using Volo.Abp.Application.Services;

    namespace NugetTest.Notifications { public interface INotificationsAppService : IApplicationService { Task<PagedResultDto<NotificationDto>> GetListAsync(GetNotificationsInput input);

        Task&lt;NotificationDto&gt; GetAsync(Guid id);
        Task DeleteAsync(Guid id);
        Task&lt;NotificationDto&gt; CreateAsync(NotificationCreateDto input);
        Task&lt;NotificationDto&gt; UpdateAsync(Guid id, NotificationUpdateDto input);


    using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Linq.Dynamic.Core; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; using Volo.Abp; using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos; using Volo.Abp.Application.Services; using Volo.Abp.Domain.Repositories; using NugetTest.Permissions; using NugetTest.Notifications;

    namespace NugetTest.Notifications {

    public class NotificationsAppService : ApplicationService, INotificationsAppService
        private readonly INotificationRepository _notificationRepository;
        private readonly NotificationManager _notificationManager;
        public NotificationsAppService(INotificationRepository notificationRepository, NotificationManager notificationManager)
            _notificationRepository = notificationRepository;
            _notificationManager = notificationManager;
        public virtual async Task&lt;PagedResultDto&lt;NotificationDto&gt;> GetListAsync(GetNotificationsInput input)
            var totalCount = await _notificationRepository.GetCountAsync(input.FilterText, input.Name);
            var items = await _notificationRepository.GetListAsync(input.FilterText, input.Name, input.Sorting, input.MaxResultCount, input.SkipCount);
            return new PagedResultDto&lt;NotificationDto&gt;
                TotalCount = totalCount,
                Items = ObjectMapper.Map&lt;List&lt;Notification&gt;, List&lt;NotificationDto&gt;>(items)
        public virtual async Task&lt;NotificationDto&gt; GetAsync(Guid id)
            return ObjectMapper.Map&lt;Notification, NotificationDto&gt;(await _notificationRepository.GetAsync(id));
        public virtual async Task DeleteAsync(Guid id)
            await _notificationRepository.DeleteAsync(id);
        public virtual async Task&lt;NotificationDto&gt; CreateAsync(NotificationCreateDto input)
            var notification = await _notificationManager.CreateAsync(
            return ObjectMapper.Map&lt;Notification, NotificationDto&gt;(notification);
        public virtual async Task&lt;NotificationDto&gt; UpdateAsync(Guid id, NotificationUpdateDto input)
            var notification = await _notificationManager.UpdateAsync(
            return ObjectMapper.Map&lt;Notification, NotificationDto&gt;(notification);


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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    Seems no problem, Can your share a simple project? liming.ma@volosoft.com

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    developer_infoline created

    I sent the sample project to your e-mail address.

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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    ok, I will check it asap.

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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    What's the stpes to repdoduce the problem?

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    developer_infoline created

    I created a project and added a module to the project. I added an entity (Notification) to the module I added to the project through the suite. I have completed dbcontext configurations in my main project.

    When I give add, delete, update permissions for Notification in my main project, I perform these operations on the Notification page.


    I converted the module I added to the nuget package.

    I created a new application project.

    I added the module as a nuget package to the layers in this project. I created its dependencies and dbcontext configurations. I ran my project. I can give the add, delete, update permissions for the module. I can open the empty index.html page without an entity. But when I want to open the page where I will perform the crud operations for the entity, I get this error.

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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    I download your files. How to reproduce the problem means which project do I need to run?

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    developer_infoline created

    I actually wrote it in the info file. You need to run the DbNugetTest project

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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    You need depends on NugetTestHttpApiClientModule

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    developer_infoline created

    thank you for your answer.

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 06, 2025, 11:50