Please provide methods to make cards, div's, ETC draggable and persistent.
The Dashboard would be a good example to drag cards and save location. It should provide persistence in the db to allow users to keep their settings for the page no matter where they login from.
.Net Core MVC UI
Thank you, Don
5 Answer(s)
You can use setting system to store the cards layout settings and change cards layout in js function.
Please add to your Dashboard sample.
It's only been used in Enterprise CRM/ERP for years! It should already be in the product.
Thank you, Don
hi @don , thanks for your feedback. I've created a backlog issue for implementing draggable cards. if we decide to implement it, we implement it in both Angular & MVC.
Any status on implementing this request?
The person liangshiwei seems to know how to implement.
Please provide a sample.
Thank you, Don
hi don, this request is in the backlog. I cannot declare a date for this implementation. but you can also develop it yourself, it's really not related to the ABP framework. you can always ask questions, if something blocks you from the ABP side.