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Login problem ABP CLI #3736

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webking-abp1 created


Everyone in our organisation seems unable to login to the ABP CLI.

Getting different errors: "Could not get token from the OpenId Connect server! ErrorType: Http. Error: Unauthorized. ErrorDescription: The 'client_secret' parameter is not valid for this client application.. HttpStatusCode: Unauthorized"

"Could not retrieve the OpenId Connect discovery document! ErrorType: Http. Error: Error connecting to https://account.abp.io/.well-known/openid-configuration: Internal Server Error"

Can you see if there is any problems with our organisation or accounts in it?

From Eric, Webking

18 Answer(s)
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    berkansasmaz created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    Hello, can you try again now?

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    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    Hi @webking-abp1, we were running into problems on our websites but it fixed now. Can you try again? If it works for you please write back, so I can refund your ticket. Best regards.

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    Najeeb created

    Hi I'm having the same problem. Still getting the same error: [13:33:56 INF] ABP CLI (https://abp.io) [13:33:56 INF] Version 5.3.4 (Stable) [13:34:00 ERR] Could not get token from the OpenId Connect server! ErrorType: Http. Error: Unauthorized. ErrorDescription: The 'client_secret' parameter is not valid for this client application.. HttpStatusCode: Unauthorized

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    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    Hi I'm having the same problem. Still getting the same error: [13:33:56 INF] ABP CLI (https://abp.io) [13:33:56 INF] Version 5.3.4 (Stable) [13:34:00 ERR] Could not get token from the OpenId Connect server! ErrorType: Http. Error: Unauthorized. ErrorDescription: The 'client_secret' parameter is not valid for this client application.. HttpStatusCode: Unauthorized

    I could successfully login, logout and create a project via ABP CLI. What was the command that you used?

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    Najeeb created

    abp login username -p password

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    webking-abp1 created

    Hi, it's still doesnt work for us. I use: "abp login <username> -p <password>"

    I'm not able to use abp update either. We also having problems reaching your website from time to time.

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    naeem76 created

    Having the same issue here

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    guven.uysall created

    Hi, Yes,I have a problem for authentication with abp login cli command.

    Could not get token from the OpenId Connect server! ErrorType: Http. Error: Unauthorized. ErrorDescription: The 'client_secret' parameter is not valid for this client application.. HttpStatusCode: Unauthorized

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    guven.uysall created

    I think you have updated your servers. Because support.abp.io entries were not coming according to date, now it has been fixed. But we cannot login with the cli command. Therefore, we cannot use your Commercial packages.

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    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    Hi, can you try first logout and then login ?

    abp logout
    abp login <username> -p <password> -o <organization-name>
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    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    I think you have updated your servers. Because support.abp.io entries were not coming according to date, now it has been fixed. But we cannot login with the cli command. Therefore, we cannot use your Commercial packages.

    yes, we have updated our applications and faced with temporary problems but all of them are fixed now.

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    naeem76 created

    Hi, can you try first logout and then login ?

    abp logout 
    abp login <username> -p <password> -o <organization-name> 

    Not working

    Also tried on a fresh machine by installing ABP CLI, and trying to login, same error

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    hossein_jalili created


    I have the same issue

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    guven.uysall created

    Hi @EngincanV,

    In the same organization, none of my friends can login to the ABP with cli commands. We also tried new computers.

    Thank you for your interest.

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    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    I noticed this problem exist in the previous versions (lower than v6.0.0-rc.4) of ABP CLI. I'll fix the problem and inform you asap.

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    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    We've fixed the problem, please try to login again.

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    guven.uysall created

    It would be great if you could explain the reason of the problem :)

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    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    It would be great if you could explain the reason of the problem :)

    We have made some changes in our websites and this caused problems on our Authentication Server. So we reverted the deployment and it should work now as before.

    Sorry for the trouble. Best Regards.

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 07, 2025, 05:40