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Transaction with UnitOfWork not working #3774

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thaithiendi created

Dear support Team,

I'm using IUnitOfWorkManager to make Transaction with execute store procedue oracle. This my code: When debug code, I intentionally let it be error in //CREATE PDF FILE I want to rollback //UPDATE TASK When error in //CREATE PDF FILE, it throw exception but my database still save info of //UPDATE TASK. How can I rollback //UPDATE TASK?

  • ABP Framework version: v5.3.3
  • UI type: MVC
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"

3 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    hi thaithiendi

    1. Try to remove app.UseUnitOfWork() from the ASP.NET Core pipeline.
    2. if 1 doesn't work, please share some code to reproduce the problem.
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    thaithiendi created

    Dear maliming ,

    I try to remove app.UseUnitOfWork() but issue not resolved. This my controller code, it not implement IUnitOfWorkManager: This my service code

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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    Can you share a simple project to reproduce? liming.ma@volosoft.com

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 17, 2025, 05:40