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Abp V6.0.0 Helm Chart Issues and deployment errors 500/400 during login #3872

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hakan.uskaner created
  • ABP Framework version: v6.0.0
  • UI type: Blazor-Server
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes /

Hi Support,

i have tried the current helm charts for v6.0.0 and found some issues. Here is a Step by Step Guide for my tests:

  1. Generate new microservice solution: abp new micro -t microservice-pro -u blazor-server -csf

  2. Add entries to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts: micro-st-web micro-st-public-web micro-st-authserver micro-st-identity micro-st-administration micro-st-product micro-st-saas micro-st-gateway-web micro-st-gateway-web-public

  3. Generate authserver.pfx for auth Server: open cmd prompt to micro\apps\auth-server\src\micro.AuthServer and execute: dotnet dev-certs https -v -ep ./authserver.pfx -p 2D7AA457-5D33-48D6-936F-C48E5EF468ED

  4. Open the micro.AuthServer Solution and mark the authserver.pfx as "copy always" to output folder

  5. Build solution: dotnet build /graphbuild

  6. Update k8s charts: remove unneeded subcharts: web,angular,blazor

  7. update values.yaml in micro\micro\etc\k8s\micro: update under blazor-server: the image: from mycompanyname/micro-app-web to mycompanyname/micro-app-blazor-server

  8. fix under administration in values.yaml: from authority: http://eshop-st-authserver to authority: http://micro-st-authserver from abpIdentityBaseUrl: https://eshop-st-identity to abpIdentityBaseUrl: https://micro-st-identity

  9. fix under saas in value.yaml the image: from mycompanyname/micro-service-administration to mycompanyname/micro-service-saas

  10. fix error in dbmigrator chart: dbmigrator.yaml in micro\etc\k8s\micro\charts\dbmigrator\templates:

Add missing connectionstring for productservice: - name: "ConnectionStrings__ProductService" value: {{ .Values.config.connectionStrings.productService }}

  1. Deploy to docker desktop: powershell .\deploy-staging.ps1

open with browser and test: https://micro-st-authserver/ - works and login is successfull https://micro-st-public-web/ - works but login results in error 500 https://micro-st-web/ - works but login results in error 500 https://micro-st-gateway-web/ - works but swagger authorization fails with error 400 https://micro-st-product/ - works but swagger authorization fails with error 400 same with all other api sites (swagger authorization fails with error 400)

  1. A deployment on production domain resulted in the same errors like with docker desktop.

I would like to see that a deployment to docker desktop and to production kubernetes work correctly without errors.

Hope you could fix this.

3 Answer(s)
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    malik.masis created

    Hi Hakan,

    Thanks for your interest and fixes. I've created an internal issue for that. We'll fix it asap. Also, your ticket was refunded.


  • User Avatar
    hakan.uskaner created

    Hi Malik,

    ok, let me kow if you need some more infos. meanwhile i am trying to get it work...

    Best Regards

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    malik.masis created

    Hi Hakan,

    Btw, Maybe you know, but this documentation and the example project can assist you till fixing this issue.

    This project and configuration work properly, it has been tested many times. FYI.

    I'm closing this ticket with your permission

    Best Regards

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 12, 2025, 05:21