Hello There,
I want to a create form for exam. We need to unauthorized users to fill this form via link. How can I do that?
Turkish translate is here:
Merhaba, Forms ları sınav olarak kullanmak istiyoruz. Fakat sınava girecek kişiler giriş yapmayacaklar. Link üzerinden hazırladığımız formu nasıl paylaşabiliriz?
If you're creating a bug/problem report, please include followings:
- ABP Framework version: v6.0.0
- UI type / MVC /
- DB provider: EF Core /
- Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
- Exception message and stack trace:
- Steps to reproduce the issue:"
10 Answer(s)
Hi Ramazan,
As far as I understand, if you don't set the auth configuration in the ABP Framework, you can already access it with unauthorized users. However, if you want to specify it for some actions, you can use
as an annotation.There are also 2 documents that may assist you with that. anonymous-user and auth
I Understand you but you can not understand me. :) I use forms module written by abp. When I write [allowanonymous] attribute?
Anlıyorum fakat siz beni anlamadınız :) Forms modülünden bahsetmiştim. Abptarafınızdan yazıldı. [allowanonymous] yazabileceğim bir form yok. Kütüphanenin içinde olduğu için herhangi bir işlem yapamıyorum.
Hi Ramazan,
Sorry, it's my mistake. I now have a better understanding. In ABP Framework, almost all methods and actions are
, and you can override them easily by inheritance. Then just mark this action or method as [AllowAnonymous]I believe this documentation will inspire you.
Hi Malik,
Its not a problem. But I did not fully understand you. Which method will I override in the link https://localhost:44383/Forms/aad4b84f-8fbe-b824-89f6-3a07079d162e/ViewForm? Where should I write? For example: To the Application layer? Which class will I inherit? Which method do I override?
Hi Ramazan,
It depends on your code and requirements hence I sent you the above documentation. Seems like, you should override
in the application layer what you need them. Also, there is authentication inFormController
hence you also should override that.Regards.
Hello Malik,
"Log in" in the Forms module. I found a checkbox setting called But when I disabled this checkbox, I saw that the problem was not resolved. I think there is a problem with this part in the Forms module. I am using the trial version of abp.io commercial. It is disappointing for me to encounter these and similar problems.
Actually what I did is very simple.
- Create a new mvc project.
- Add Forms from Modules to your project.
- Run the project and create a form.
- Create a link in the form you created with the "Submit" button.
- Test this link on a different browser (not logged in).
Hello Malik,
i tried before. But this doesn't solve my situation. and I left.