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Upload file, Did not receive any data in the allotted time #4474

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  • ABP Framework version: v7.0.1

  • UI type: Blazor

  • DB provider: EF Core

  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): No, Blazor Server

  • Exception message and stack trace:Did not receive any data in the allotted time.

    at System.IO.Pipelines.Pipe.GetReadResult(ReadResult& result) at System.IO.Pipelines.Pipe.GetReadAsyncResult() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredValueTaskAwaitable1.ConfiguredValueTaskAwaiter.GetResult() at System.IO.Pipelines.PipeReaderStream.<ReadAsyncInternal>d__30.MoveNext() at System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask1.get_Result() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ValueTaskAwaiter1.GetResult() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Server.Circuits.RemoteJSDataStream.<ReadAsync>d__36.MoveNext() at System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask1.get_Result() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ValueTaskAwaiter1.GetResult() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms.BrowserFileStream.<CopyFileDataIntoBuffer>d__30.MoveNext() at System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask1.get_Result() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ValueTaskAwaiter`1.GetResult() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms.BrowserFileStream.

  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"

  • Create a new solution. Copy FileUpload1 from microsoft page (

  • Run the project and try to upload a file

3 Answer(s)
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    The same happens with the example FileUpload2

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    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    It looks not a problem with ABP, but Blazor: See:

    You can try this:

    Configure<HubOptions>(options =>
        options.DisableImplicitFromServicesParameters = true;
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    I had already tested this option, but it had not worked, however doing as you say, it works.


Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on December 05, 2024, 12:19