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Strange Connection/Caching Behavior #4561

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john@johnfuqua.com created

If you're creating a bug/problem report, please include followings:

  • ABP Framework version: v7.0.1
  • UI type: Blazor
  • DB provider: EF Core / MongoDB
  • **Tiered (MVC)
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"

I randomly get strange behavior when running my project on my development machine. Everything starts up fine, but nothing displays on the left hand menu. I'm able to view my account profile and login history. If I go to the dashboard by manually typing in the url it only show the refresh row. I've tried restarting Redis and Postgres and clearing my browser cache. After about 5 minutes I can refresh the browser and everything shows up.

23 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    john@johnfuqua.com created

    Here is the possible issue from the terminal output, but I'm not changing anything when it does work.

    [10:55:55 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met: PermissionRequirement: SettingManagement.Emailing [10:55:55 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met: PermissionRequirement: AbpAccount.SettingManagement [10:55:55 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met: PermissionRequirement: AbpIdentity.SettingManagement [10:55:55 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met: PermissionRequirement: FeatureManagement.ManageHostFeatures

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    john@johnfuqua.com created

    I'm also seeing this in the AuthServer terminal.

    [11:14:30 INF] The authentication demand was rejected because the token was expired. [11:14:30 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ValidateTokenContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationHandlers+Protection+ValidateExpirationDate. [11:14:30 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ValidateTokenContext was marked as rejected by OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationHandlers+Protection+ValidateExpirationDate. [11:14:30 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ProcessAuthenticationContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationHandlers+ValidateAccessToken. [11:14:30 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ProcessAuthenticationContext was marked as rejected by OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationHandlers+ValidateAccessToken. [11:14:30 INF] OpenIddict.Validation.AspNetCore was not authenticated. Failure message: An error occurred while authenticating the current request. [11:14:30 INF] OpenIddict.Validation.AspNetCore was not authenticated. Failure message: An error occurred while authenticating the current request. [11:14:30 INF] Executing endpoint 'Volo.Abp.Account.AccountController.GetProfilePictureFileAsync (Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.HttpApi)' [11:14:30 INF] Route matched with {area = "account", action = "GetProfilePictureFile", controller = "Account", page = ""}. Executing controller action with signature System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[Volo.Abp.Content.IRemoteStreamC ontent] GetProfilePictureFileAsync(System.Guid) on controller Volo.Abp.Account.AccountController (Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.HttpApi). [11:14:30 INF] Executing ObjectResult, writing value of type 'Volo.Abp.Content.RemoteStreamContent'. [11:14:30 INF] Executed action Volo.Abp.Account.AccountController.GetProfilePictureFileAsync (Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.HttpApi) in 4.7523ms [11:14:30 INF] Executed endpoint 'Volo.Abp.Account.AccountController.GetProfilePictureFileAsync (Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.HttpApi)'

  • User Avatar
    john@johnfuqua.com created

    Here is the terminal output for the ApiHost server:

    [11:19:38 DBG] Getting not cache granted permissions from the repository for this provider name,key: R,admin [11:19:38 DBG] Setting the cache items. Count: 91 [11:19:38 DBG] Finished setting the cache items. Count: 91 [11:19:38 DBG] PermissionStore.GetCacheItemAsync: pn:C,pk:ControlCenter_BlazorServerTiered,n:AbpIdentity.UserLookup [11:19:38 DBG] Not found in the cache: pn:C,pk:ControlCenter_BlazorServerTiered,n:AbpIdentity.UserLookup [11:19:38 DBG] Getting all granted permissions from the repository for this provider name,key: C,ControlCenter_BlazorServerTiered [11:19:38 DBG] Setting the cache items. Count: 138 [11:19:38 DBG] Finished setting the cache items. Count: 138 [11:19:38 DBG] Executed AbpApplicationConfigurationAppService.GetAsync(). [11:19:38 DBG] Added 0 entity changes to the current audit log

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    john@johnfuqua.com created

    After I waited about 5 minutes after logging out and logging back it...the page updated. Here is the new output of the Blazor project terminal.

    [11:23:45 INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET https://localhost:44369/api/account/profile-picture-file/3a095f24-ad00-19e9-f711-dbdf65903d48?api-version=1.0 - - [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ProcessRequestContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Validation.AspNetCore.OpenIddictValidationAspNetCoreHandlers+ResolveRequestUri. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Server.OpenIddictServerEvents+ProcessRequestContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Server.AspNetCore.OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreHandlers+ResolveRequestUri. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Server.OpenIddictServerEvents+ProcessRequestContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Server.OpenIddictServerHandlers+InferEndpointType. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Server.OpenIddictServerEvents+ProcessRequestContext was successfully processed by Volo.Abp.Account.Web.Pages.Account.OpenIddictImpersonateInferEndpointType. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Server.OpenIddictServerEvents+ProcessRequestContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Server.AspNetCore.OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreHandlers+ValidateTransportSecurityRequirement. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Server.OpenIddictServerEvents+ProcessRequestContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Server.AspNetCore.OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreHandlers+ValidateHostHeader. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ProcessAuthenticationContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Validation.AspNetCore.OpenIddictValidationAspNetCoreHandlers+ValidateHostHeader. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ProcessAuthenticationContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationHandlers+ResolveServerConfiguration. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ProcessAuthenticationContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationHandlers+EvaluateValidatedTokens. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ProcessAuthenticationContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Validation.AspNetCore.OpenIddictValidationAspNetCoreHandlers+ExtractAccessTokenFrom AuthorizationHeader. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ProcessAuthenticationContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Validation.AspNetCore.OpenIddictValidationAspNetCoreHandlers+ExtractAccessTokenFrom BodyForm. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ProcessAuthenticationContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Validation.AspNetCore.OpenIddictValidationAspNetCoreHandlers+ExtractAccessTokenFrom QueryString. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ProcessAuthenticationContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationHandlers+ValidateRequiredTokens. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ValidateTokenContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationHandlers+Protection+ResolveTokenValidationParameters. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ValidateTokenContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationHandlers+Protection+ValidateIdentityModelToken. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ValidateTokenContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationHandlers+Protection+NormalizeScopeClaims. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ValidateTokenContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationHandlers+Protection+MapInternalClaims. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ValidateTokenContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationHandlers+Protection+ValidatePrincipal. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ValidateTokenContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationHandlers+Protection+ValidateExpirationDate. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ValidateTokenContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationHandlers+Protection+ValidateAudience. [11:23:45 DBG] The event OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationEvents+ProcessAuthenticationContext was successfully processed by OpenIddict.Validation.OpenIddictValidationHandlers+ValidateAccessToken. [11:23:45 DBG] AuthenticationScheme: OpenIddict.Validation.AspNetCore was successfully authenticated. [11:23:45 INF] Executing endpoint 'Volo.Abp.Account.AccountController.GetProfilePictureFileAsync (Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.HttpApi)' [11:23:45 INF] Route matched with {area = "account", action = "GetProfilePictureFile", controller = "Account", page = ""}. Executing controller action with signature System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[Volo.Abp.Content.IRemoteStreamC ontent] GetProfilePictureFileAsync(System.Guid) on controller Volo.Abp.Account.AccountController (Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.HttpApi). [11:23:45 INF] Executing ObjectResult, writing value of type 'Volo.Abp.Content.RemoteStreamContent'. [11:23:45 INF] Executed action Volo.Abp.Account.AccountController.GetProfilePictureFileAsync (Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.HttpApi) in 3.6278ms [11:23:45 INF] Executed endpoint 'Volo.Abp.Account.AccountController.GetProfilePictureFileAsync (Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.HttpApi)' [11:23:45 INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET https://localhost:44369/api/account/profile-picture-file/3a095f24-ad00-19e9-f711-dbdf65903d48?api-version=1.0 - - - 200 1370 image/jpeg 6.3834ms

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    john@johnfuqua.com created

    I think the issue is that the OpenIdDict token is not being flushed properly. Just my thoughts.

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    What theme is your application using?

    Lepton x or Lpeton?

  • User Avatar
    john@johnfuqua.com created

    Lepton X

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    You can try using the latest LeptonX packages.


  • User Avatar
    john@johnfuqua.com created

    Same results

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    Can you try the template project?

    What are the steps?

  • User Avatar
    john@johnfuqua.com created

    This is a template project. app-pro -tiered -blazor-server -ef -postgres

    I'm sending shiwei.liang@volosoft.com a copy of my project for another issue. Do you want me to send it to you also?

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    Yes, please, liming.ma@volosoft.com

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    Your project is very complex, can you reproduce the problem in a new template project? Thanks

  • User Avatar
    john@johnfuqua.com created

    My project was created using your tools. I did not add anything additional. How can it be complex?

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    We made some new changes. You can test it on release.


  • User Avatar
    john@johnfuqua.com created

    I'm not building from source. Do you have a nuget package update? or post a new DLL in the project folder I shared with you?

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    I will give feedback to the team to release the lepton package as soon as possible.

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    mobajwa created


    Any updates on this?

    I'm experiencing the same issue. As suggested above, I updated Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Server.LeptonXTheme and Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Theme.LeptonX to 2.2.0-preview20230224, and the rest of Volo packages to 7.1.0-rc.2 and the issue is still there.

    My solution was generated with ABP Suite (Blazor Server / EF Core / SQL Server / Tiered). The only thing that temporarily makes permissions work is clearing cookies and flushing Redis cache.

    Other users experience the same problem: https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/14068 https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/4348/Permission-get-lost-during-application-running

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    This problem is related to Blazor wasm. @mobajwa Can you create a new question?

    We will release the new Lepton versions next week.

  • User Avatar
    john@johnfuqua.com created

    Sounds good. Please let me know, as I am currently trying to release a version of my product to a customer and this is holding me up.

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    The new version has been released.

  • User Avatar
    john@johnfuqua.com created

    Which version has this fix been released? 2.0.3?

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    You can use the latest version.

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 17, 2025, 05:40