I am using abp suite to create Angular tiered app, after doing the initial migration and running the DB update,
when I try to run the AuthServer project it gives me error :-
An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request. AbpException: Could not find the bundle file '/libs/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.enable.tooltips.everywhere.js' for the bundle 'Basic.Global'! Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Bundling.TagHelpers.AbpTagHelperResourceService.ProcessAsync(ViewContext viewContext, TagHelper tagHelper, TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output, List<BundleTagHelperItem> bundleItems, string bundleName)
running the command "abp install-libs" does not work.
Please provide solution.
1 Answer(s)
Please refer https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/2371/AbpException-Could-not-find-the-bundle-file-%27libsbootstrapjsbootstrapenabletooltipseverywherejs%27-for-the-bundle-%27LeptonGlobal%27
with regards.