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Need to refresh the list of static permission definitions without site reload #5490

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alexander.nikonov created
  • ABP Framework version: v7.0.1
  • UI Type: Angular
  • Database System: Oracle
  • Auth Server Separated

I create a custom permission definition in DB. On next step I assign it to a user role. This next step is impossible until I restart the app (so the list of permission definitions is being actualized). I do not want app restart - I need a "hot-reload" for permission definitions. How can I implement this? No dramatic changes, no switching to dynamic permissions! - I just need a small "Refresh" method, which would trigger permission definition list reload - so they all would be available for role assignment. Please, show a piece of code.

31 Answer(s)
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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


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    alexander.nikonov created

    I've overridden ABP PermissionAppService and debugged it. No issue found inside - the code below is called and contains correct data:

        public virtual async Task UpdateAsync(string providerName, string providerKey, UpdatePermissionsDto input)
            await CheckProviderPolicy(providerName);
            foreach (var permissionDto in input.Permissions)
                await PermissionManager.SetAsync(permissionDto.Name, providerName, providerKey, permissionDto.IsGranted);
            await RabbitMqManager.UpdateAbpPermissionsAsync(input.Permissions, providerName, providerKey, CurrentTenant.Id);

    So moving on, I've overriden PermissionManager too and found out that SetAsync does not actually update DB:

    I can see though, that there's no point to override PermissionManager - its method is very simple:

        public override async Task<PermissionDefinition> GetOrNullAsync(string name)
            Check.NotNull(name, nameof(name));
            return await _staticStore.GetOrNullAsync(name) ??
                   await _dynamicStore.GetOrNullAsync(name);

    So I proceeded - overridden StaticPermissionDefinitionStore:

        [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
        public class ApiStaticPermissionDefinitionStore : StaticPermissionDefinitionStore, IApiStaticPermissionDefinitionStore
            public ApiStaticPermissionDefinitionStore(
                IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
                IOptions<AbpPermissionOptions> options) : base(serviceProvider, options)
            public void AddPermissionDefinition(string key, PermissionDefinition permissionDefinition)
                if (!PermissionDefinitions.ContainsKey(key))
                    PermissionDefinitions.Add(key, permissionDefinition);

    My idea was to create a method in my IStaticPermissionDefinitionStore override, where I would FORCE adding a new PermissionDefinition to the existing collection. However, after adding it I've discovered that a whole custom permission definition collection is broken. BTW - inside AddPermissionDefinition I've looked at a whole PermissionDefinitions collection and suprisingly discovered that not all definitions are there: my custom definitions were not there by this time (yet?)

    Probably you can suggest another way around this?

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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    It uses Lazy to store the permissions.

    You can copy all the code of StaticPermissionDefinitionStore and create a new MyStaticPermissionDefinitionStore

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    alexander.nikonov created

    I already did this before. And I'm getting the error about missing custom permission definition group: All other permission definition groups are at place. When I do not override StaticPermissionDefinitionStore - the custom permission definition group is present as expected.

    What do I need to adjust in MyStaticPermissionDefinitionStore to make the group available?

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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    You can check the source code of StaticPermissionDefinitionStore

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    alexander.nikonov created

    I've finally managed to resolve my issue. I will show my approach - probably this would come in handy for someone:

    Actually two steps are needed:

    1. Create permission itself and add it as a child either to another custom permission or to the root permission node (in my case it is roleSubgroupPermissionDefinition):

       readModuleRolePermissionDefinition = roleSubgroupPermissionDefinition?.AddChild(readRoleName).WithProviders(ModulePermissionRoleValueProvider.ProviderName);
    2. Add the created permission to PermissionDefinitions collection of ABP static permission store:

       await (_staticPermissionDefinitionStore as IExtendedStaticPermissionDefinitionStore).AddPermissionDefinitionAsync(readModuleRolePermissionDefinition.Name, readModuleRolePermissionDefinition);

    For this, i've extended ABP class with own methods. They are very simple - just to have access to PermissionDefinitions collection:

        public Task AddPermissionDefinitionAsync(string key, PermissionDefinition permissionDefinition)
            if (!PermissionDefinitions.ContainsKey(key))
                PermissionDefinitions.Add(key, permissionDefinition);
            return Task.CompletedTask;

    Nothing more is needed - no refresh or something...

    Thank you for your cooperation.

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 16, 2025, 11:47