I've got an app with a contact list where users can bulk insert Contact. They can select to add these contacts to one or many Group, each group having a ContactGroupMember record.
There's a domain event setup on the creation and deletion of ContactGroupMember which increments Group.Members integer property. I also need to add a record to a log of when users are added and removed from groups.
I'm not sure if I should be using domain events for this or not since it will create many requests to the database in a large queue when the users bulk insert. Should I be handling this entirely manually, or is there a way to disable the domain events when bulk importing, or grouping the events into a single event?
Thank you in advance :)
1 Answer(s)
this is not a good case for a domain event. you better create a ContactManager domain service.
public class ContactManager : DomainService, IContactManager { BulkInsertAsync(); InsertAsync(); }