- ABP Framework version: v7.2.2
- UI Type: Angular
- Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
- Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes
- Exception message and full stack trace: Below
- Steps to reproduce the issue:Below
Hello again!
We've set the token generation in the AuthServer as follows in PreConfigureServices
PreConfigure<OpenIddictServerBuilder>(builder =>
builder.AddSigningCertificate(GetSigningCertificate(hostingEnvironment, configuration));
builder.AddEncryptionCertificate(GetSigningCertificate(hostingEnvironment, configuration));
builder.SetIssuer(new Uri(configuration["AuthServer:Authority"]));
And the TokenCleanup as follows in ConfigureServices
Configure<TokenCleanupOptions>(options =>
options.CleanupPeriod = 1000 * 60 * 30; // Default: 3,600,000 ms, 1 hour
options.MinimumAuthorizationLifespan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
options.MinimumTokenLifespan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
However, for some reason, the communication between microservices is returning "Unauthorized" after 10 minutes. We are unsure if the microservices request a new token with every HTTP request or if they continue using the same token until it expires and then obtain a new using refresh token. I'm afraid we might have done something wrong. Could you please enlighten us?
4 Answer(s)
Hello! Anyone, please?
We are unsure if the microservices request a new token with every HTTP request or if they continue using the same token until it expires and then obtain a new using refresh token.
It will request a token, cache it, and then continue to use it.
is not currently not supported. -
We are unsure if the microservices request a new token with every HTTP request or if they continue using the same token until it expires and then obtain a new using refresh token.
It will request a token, cache it, and then continue to use it.
is not currently not supported.So, when does he know he needs a new one? Apparently it's not getting it when the first expires. If we keep the default expiration (1 hour) the problem won't occur.
is not currently not supported.You can configure the
to 9mins: https://github.com/abpframework/abp/blob/dev/framework/src/Volo.Abp.IdentityModel/Volo/Abp/IdentityModel/IdentityClientConfiguration.cs#L82It will get a new
in 9 minutes.For example:
"IdentityClients": { "Default": { "GrantType": "client_credentials", "ClientId": "BookStore_OrderService", "ClientSecret": "1q2w3e*", "Authority": "https://localhost:44322", "Scope": "ProductService", "CacheAbsoluteExpiration": 540 } }