Check the docs before asking a question: Check the samples to see the basic tasks: The exact solution to your question may have been answered before, and please first use the search on the homepage. Provide us with the following info:
- ABP Framework version: v7.4
- UI Type: Blazor WASM
- Database System: EF Core (SQL Server,)
- Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): no
- Exception message and full stack trace:
- Steps to reproduce the issue:
I need to add the organization unit as a navigation property in ABP suite, previously in ASPzero, it was a dropdown to choose it, how to do it in ABP commercial?
5 Answer(s)
Great thanks for the prompt response, will try it. but we have one more question regarding the ABP suite, I see all the implementations of one to many relations are that it generates files about the parent entity with navigation property of the child like a book with its author but can we get it the other way i.e the Author with his list of books? Is it implemented? If yes how can we do it and if not is it on the roadmap?
Thanks in advance.
Dear liangshiwei,
we tried it, however, we faced some problems as follows:
1- If we checked the orginzatinUnit required field in ABP suit:, we get the following two issues
a- missing null operator in the Razer as attached: b-Missing OrgainzationUnitId Value in SubscribersDataSeedContributor as attached
2- Also for any navigation propertied with Int primary key we get the same issue "?" null operator issue as attached
although this issues can be solved by the issue is every time we regenerate the entity we have to fix them again.
Thanks, Mina.
We will fix it in the next patch version.