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ABP Studio : Open and Run Existing Microservice template Solution #6441

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mrbrl created
  • ABP Framework version: v8.0

  • ABP Studio version: v0.6

  • UI Type:Blazor WASM

  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)

  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Opened ABP Studio and navigated to 'File > Initialize Existing Solution' to open a MicroService Template Solution initially generated with ABP Suite.
  2. Observed that a new Web Project was added in the Solution Explorer.
  3. Manually removed the new Web Project by editing the .abpmdl and .abpsln files.

Current Behavior:

  • After the initialization , the Solution Runner tree remains consistently empty.
  • All tabs within the Solution Runner (Overall, Browse, etc.) are empty when the solution is not running.
  • The same empty state persists in the Solution Runner tree and tabs even when running the solution with Tye.

Expected Behavior:

  • The Solution Runner tree should display relevant project components.
  • Tabs within the Solution Runner (Overall, Browse, etc.) should show appropriate information and functionality, both when the solution is and is not running.

5 Answer(s)
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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    Please share some screenshots. Thanks.

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    mrbrl created

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    yekalkan created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    Hi @mrbrl

    Manually removed the new Web Project by editing the .abpmdl and .abpsln files

    You can do this operation on solution explorer (removing/adding projects). I guess somehow you have corrupted the .abpsln file.

    After the initialization , the Solution Runner tree remains consistently empty.

    Initialize Existing Solution comand doesn't create run profiles, thus you need to create a new solution profle and add the projects.

    Additionally, microservice startup template generated by ABP Suite is completely different that the template generated by ABP Studio. (fyi)

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    mrbrl created

    I found what seems to be the issue with importing an existing solution in ABP Studio, which is caused by a potential small bug in the apbsln generator, as well as with the abprun.json generator while importing a solution.

    To successfully import a Suite Project into Studio, there may be 2 issues that can be resolved manually for now:

    1. File / Initialize Existing Solution

    2. Once generated, open the Solution. Extra project(s) may show up in Solution Explorer, with 'failed to load'

    3. Edit the *.abpsln file to remove the extra project in question (it's on the solution root folder)

    4. Reload the solution, Step 3 should have fixed the extra unloaded project issue.

    5. Click on the Solution Runner tab

    6. If nothing is displayed, then you have another issue. Edit the file '\etc\run-profiles\Default.abprun.json' and find and remove the same extra project(s).

    7. Reload - Solution Runner Tree and Apps should display

    Once the Microservice is up and running , some things work, and some don't:


    • Run the Projects / Solution
    • Project State (Started)
    • Browse (endpoints are not provided - add "lanchUrl" property to each project manually to abprun.json file or use the UI to edit each project properties - Solution Initializer generator may be able to get them from individual projects 'launchSettings.json' file or the tye.yaml file in future versions?)
    • Stop projects / Solution

    Needs Telemetry setup as per

    • Overall Tab: Instances count, Uptime, Requests, Events, Exceptions
    • HTTP Requests Tab
    • Events Tab
    • Exceptions Tab
    • Logs Tab: no data (except for docker dependencies, requests were made)
    • Stop a project in ABP Studio, run it in visual studio - the project shows as stopped in ABP Studio whereas it should be started with a link icon indicating the project is running externally
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    yekalkan created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    To monitor an application, you need to add the following package to the application:

    -> Package Name: Volo.Abp.Studio.Client.AspNetCore (version 0.6.2 or 0.6.3, according to the ABP Studio version installed) -> Module Name: AbpStudioClientAspNetCoreModule (namespace:Volo.Abp.Studio.Client.AspNetCore)


Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on November 11, 2024, 11:11