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After we migrated ABP 7.3.1 to 8.1.1, I got "Tenant not found" error #7190

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uyarbtrlp created
  • ABP Framework version: v8.1.1
  • UI Type: MVC
  • Database System: EF Core
  • Module project (Separated Deployment & Databases Scenario): yes

Hello, After we upgraded ABP v8.1.1, we got "Tenant not found! There is no tenant with the tenant id or name: a3e378cf-c315-7b7e-da30-3a12881a6c2a" exception while trying to login the application via Web.Host project. We've been using the application without redis so we've disabled it.

  "Redis": {
    "IsEnabled": "false",
    "Configuration": ""

When we enable the redis, there is no problem. We are able to login. So I've decided creating a new module project on abp suite to test the same thing.

  1. Create a module project on abp suite
  2. Update the databases to create the tables
  3. Disable the redis on appsettings.json
  4. I've changed the TestApplicationNet8SampleIdentityDataSeeder on AuthServer project to seed the users when the tenant is created
  5. Create a tenant
  6. Login with this tenant and get the exception

7 Answer(s)
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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    Create a module project on abp suite

    Can you share this project via


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    uyarbtrlp created

    I've sent it

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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    Login with this tenant and get the exception

    What projects of host are you running?

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    uyarbtrlp created

    I am running AuthServer, HttpApi.Host and Web.Host

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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    I confirmed. You have to use Redis in tiered projects. otherwise, you may get some strange problems.

    but you can try the code below:


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
    using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
    using Pages.Abp.MultiTenancy.ClientProxies;
    using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Client;
    using Volo.Abp.Caching;
    using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection;
    using Volo.Abp.MultiTenancy;
    using Volo.Abp.Threading;
    namespace TestApplicationNet8;
    public class MyMvcRemoteTenantStore :  ITenantStore, ITransientDependency
        protected AbpTenantClientProxy TenantAppService { get; }
        protected IHttpContextAccessor HttpContextAccessor { get; }
        protected IDistributedCache<TenantConfigurationCacheItem> Cache { get; }
        protected AbpAspNetCoreMvcClientCacheOptions Options { get; }
        public MyMvcRemoteTenantStore(
            AbpTenantClientProxy tenantAppService,
            IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor,
            IDistributedCache<TenantConfigurationCacheItem> cache,
            IOptions<AbpAspNetCoreMvcClientCacheOptions> options)
            TenantAppService = tenantAppService;
            HttpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
            Cache = cache;
            Options = options.Value;
        public async Task<TenantConfiguration?> FindAsync(string normalizedName)
            var cacheKey = TenantConfigurationCacheItem.CalculateCacheKey(normalizedName);
            var httpContext = HttpContextAccessor?.HttpContext;
            if (httpContext != null && httpContext.Items[cacheKey] is TenantConfigurationCacheItem tenantConfigurationInHttpContext)
                return tenantConfigurationInHttpContext?.Value;
            var tenantConfiguration = await Cache.GetAsync(cacheKey);
            if (tenantConfiguration?.Value == null)
                var tenant = await TenantAppService.FindTenantByNameAsync(normalizedName);
                if (tenant.Success)
                    tenantConfiguration = new TenantConfigurationCacheItem(new TenantConfiguration(tenant.TenantId!.Value, tenant.NormalizedName!));
                    await Cache.SetAsync(cacheKey, tenantConfiguration);
            if (httpContext != null)
                httpContext.Items[cacheKey] = tenantConfiguration;
            return tenantConfiguration?.Value;
        public async Task<TenantConfiguration?> FindAsync(Guid id)
            var cacheKey = TenantConfigurationCacheItem.CalculateCacheKey(id);
            var httpContext = HttpContextAccessor?.HttpContext;
            if (httpContext != null && httpContext.Items[cacheKey] is TenantConfigurationCacheItem tenantConfigurationInHttpContext)
                return tenantConfigurationInHttpContext?.Value;
            var tenantConfiguration = await Cache.GetAsync(cacheKey);
            if (tenantConfiguration?.Value == null)
                var tenant = await TenantAppService.FindTenantByIdAsync(id);
                if (tenant.Success)
                    tenantConfiguration = new TenantConfigurationCacheItem(new TenantConfiguration(tenant.TenantId!.Value, tenant.NormalizedName!));
                    await Cache.SetAsync(cacheKey, tenantConfiguration);
            if (httpContext != null)
                httpContext.Items[cacheKey] = tenantConfiguration;
            return tenantConfiguration?.Value;
        public Task<IReadOnlyList<TenantConfiguration>> GetListAsync(bool includeDetails = false)
            return Task.FromResult<IReadOnlyList<TenantConfiguration>>(Array.Empty<TenantConfiguration>());
        public TenantConfiguration? Find(string normalizedName)
            var cacheKey = TenantConfigurationCacheItem.CalculateCacheKey(normalizedName);
            var httpContext = HttpContextAccessor?.HttpContext;
            if (httpContext != null && httpContext.Items[cacheKey] is TenantConfigurationCacheItem tenantConfigurationInHttpContext)
                return tenantConfigurationInHttpContext?.Value;
            var tenantConfiguration = Cache.Get(cacheKey);
            if (tenantConfiguration?.Value == null)
                var tenant = AsyncHelper.RunSync(async () => await TenantAppService.FindTenantByNameAsync(normalizedName));
                if (tenant.Success)
                    tenantConfiguration = new TenantConfigurationCacheItem(new TenantConfiguration(tenant.TenantId!.Value, tenant.NormalizedName!));
                    Cache.Set(cacheKey, tenantConfiguration);
            if (httpContext != null)
                httpContext.Items[cacheKey] = tenantConfiguration;
            return tenantConfiguration?.Value;
        public TenantConfiguration? Find(Guid id)
            var cacheKey = TenantConfigurationCacheItem.CalculateCacheKey(id);
            var httpContext = HttpContextAccessor?.HttpContext;
            if (httpContext != null && httpContext.Items[cacheKey] is TenantConfigurationCacheItem tenantConfigurationInHttpContext)
                return tenantConfigurationInHttpContext?.Value;
            var tenantConfiguration = Cache.Get(cacheKey);
            if (tenantConfiguration?.Value == null)
                var tenant = AsyncHelper.RunSync(async () => await TenantAppService.FindTenantByIdAsync(id));
                if (tenant.Success)
                    tenantConfiguration = new TenantConfigurationCacheItem(new TenantConfiguration(tenant.TenantId!.Value, tenant.NormalizedName!));
                    Cache.Set(cacheKey, tenantConfiguration);
            if (httpContext != null)
                httpContext.Items[cacheKey] = tenantConfiguration;
            return tenantConfiguration?.Value;
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    uyarbtrlp created

    It appears that it is a problem with the newest version. We haven't experienced such an issue so far. Btw, I've tried the code above and it works. If I understand correctly, we MUST enable the redis with tiered applications after v8.0, right?

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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    Yes, You have to enable the Redis.

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 08, 2025, 14:09