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Creating new table from abp suite is giving error #7431

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Priyanka created

ABP Framework version: v8.1.1

UI Type:React

Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)

Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes

Exception message and full stack trace: NA

Steps to reproduce the issue: Create New table from abp suite

Hi, I'm trying to create new table from abp suite but getting below error

these are the steps to reproduce:

launch abp suite using cmd.

open the solution.

create new entity.

Click on save.

It will try to generate table and give error message that there are build error.

Go to solution and check the error message.

There are 2000+ error, below is the screenshot of same

All errors are coming in newly added files, below is the sample of class generated by abp suite, some %%custom-code-abstract-modifier%% type value is mentioned in all files.

using eFC.Patients; using eFC.CodeLookUps; using eFC.Encounters; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using Volo.Abp.Domain.Entities; using Volo.Abp.Domain.Entities.Auditing; using Volo.Abp.MultiTenancy; using JetBrains.Annotations;

%% child - entity -namespace%%

using Volo.Abp;

namespace eFC.EncounterMovementPlaceholders { public %%custom-code-abstract-modifier%% class EncounterMovementPlaceholder%%custom-code-base%% : FullAuditedEntity<long> { [NotNull] public virtual string IdentificationText { get; set; }

public virtual long InstitutionId { get; set; }

public virtual DateTime AdmissionDate { get; set; }

public virtual DateTime DischargedDate { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string InstitutionCode { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string MsgType { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string HAR { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string CIPInd { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string ReferralHospital { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string ReferralType { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string VIPInd { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string VVIPInd { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string OpReferralHospital { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string OpReferralType { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string FCStatus { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string AccountStatus { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string OpVisitTypeDescription { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string OpVisitType_Code { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string Accident_Code { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string Accomodation_Code { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string AdmissionType_Code { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string ApptCat_Code { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string LevelOfCare_Code { get; set; }

public virtual long OpVisitTypeID { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string PointOfCare_Code { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string Specialty_Code { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string SubDocType_Code { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string InstitutionType { get; set; }

[CanBeNull] public virtual string DischargeLocation { get; set; } public long? PatientId { get; set; } public long? AccomodationCode { get; set; } public long? AdmissionTypeId { get; set; } public long? LevelOfcareId { get; set; } public long? SubDocType { get; set; } public long? SpecialtyId { get; set; } public long? CodeLookUpId { get; set; } public long? Status { get; set; } public long? AccidentCode { get; set; } public long? AccomodationCodeReason { get; set; } public long? ApptCatCode { get; set; } public long? DischargeDisposition { get; set; } public long? LateDischargeReason { get; set; } public long? PointOfCare { get; set; } public long? TransferReason { get; set; } public long? VisitType { get; set; } public long? ResidentialStatus { get; set; } public long? EncounterId { get; set; }

protected EncounterMovementPlaceholder%%custom-code-base%%() {


public EncounterMovementPlaceholder%%custom-code-base%%(long? patientId, long? accomodationCode, long? admissionTypeId, long? levelOfcareId, long? subDocType, long? specialtyId, long? codeLookUpId, long? status, long? accidentCode, long? accomodationCodeReason, long? apptCatCode, long? dischargeDisposition, long? lateDischargeReason, long? pointOfCare, long? transferReason, long? visitType, long? residentialStatus, long? encounterId, string identificationText, long institutionId, DateTime admissionDate, DateTime dischargedDate, string institutionCode, string msgType, string hAR, string cIPInd, string referralHospital, string referralType, string vIPInd, string vVIPInd, string opReferralHospital, string opReferralType, string fCStatus, string accountStatus, string opVisitTypeDescription, string opVisitType_Code, string accident_Code, string accomodation_Code, string admissionType_Code, string apptCat_Code, string levelOfCare_Code, long opVisitTypeID, string pointOfCare_Code, string specialty_Code, string subDocType_Code, string institutionType, string dischargeLocation) {

Check.NotNull(identificationText, nameof(identificationText)); Check.Length(identificationText, nameof(identificationText), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.IdentificationTextMaxLength, EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.IdentificationTextMinLength); Check.Length(institutionCode, nameof(institutionCode), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.InstitutionCodeMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(msgType, nameof(msgType), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.MsgTypeMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(hAR, nameof(hAR), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.HARMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(cIPInd, nameof(cIPInd), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.CIPIndMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(referralHospital, nameof(referralHospital), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.ReferralHospitalMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(referralType, nameof(referralType), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.ReferralTypeMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(vIPInd, nameof(vIPInd), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.VIPIndMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(vVIPInd, nameof(vVIPInd), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.VVIPIndMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(opReferralHospital, nameof(opReferralHospital), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.OpReferralHospitalMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(opReferralType, nameof(opReferralType), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.OpReferralTypeMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(fCStatus, nameof(fCStatus), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.FCStatusMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(accountStatus, nameof(accountStatus), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.AccountStatusMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(opVisitTypeDescription, nameof(opVisitTypeDescription), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.OpVisitTypeDescriptionMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(opVisitType_Code, nameof(opVisitType_Code), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.OpVisitType_CodeMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(accident_Code, nameof(accident_Code), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.Accident_CodeMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(accomodation_Code, nameof(accomodation_Code), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.Accomodation_CodeMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(admissionType_Code, nameof(admissionType_Code), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.AdmissionType_CodeMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(apptCat_Code, nameof(apptCat_Code), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.ApptCat_CodeMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(levelOfCare_Code, nameof(levelOfCare_Code), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.LevelOfCare_CodeMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(pointOfCare_Code, nameof(pointOfCare_Code), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.PointOfCare_CodeMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(specialty_Code, nameof(specialty_Code), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.Specialty_CodeMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(subDocType_Code, nameof(subDocType_Code), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.SubDocType_CodeMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(institutionType, nameof(institutionType), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.InstitutionTypeMaxLength, 0); Check.Length(dischargeLocation, nameof(dischargeLocation), EncounterMovementPlaceholderConsts.DischargeLocationMaxLength, 0); IdentificationText = identificationText; InstitutionId = institutionId; AdmissionDate = admissionDate; DischargedDate = dischargedDate; InstitutionCode = institutionCode; MsgType = msgType; HAR = hAR; CIPInd = cIPInd; ReferralHospital = referralHospital; ReferralType = referralType; VIPInd = vIPInd; VVIPInd = vVIPInd; OpReferralHospital = opReferralHospital; OpReferralType = opReferralType; FCStatus = fCStatus; AccountStatus = accountStatus; OpVisitTypeDescription = opVisitTypeDescription; OpVisitType_Code = opVisitType_Code; Accident_Code = accident_Code; Accomodation_Code = accomodation_Code; AdmissionType_Code = admissionType_Code; ApptCat_Code = apptCat_Code; LevelOfCare_Code = levelOfCare_Code; OpVisitTypeID = opVisitTypeID; PointOfCare_Code = pointOfCare_Code; Specialty_Code = specialty_Code; SubDocType_Code = subDocType_Code; InstitutionType = institutionType; DischargeLocation = dischargeLocation; PatientId = patientId; AccomodationCode = accomodationCode; AdmissionTypeId = admissionTypeId; LevelOfcareId = levelOfcareId; SubDocType = subDocType; SpecialtyId = specialtyId; CodeLookUpId = codeLookUpId; Status = status; AccidentCode = accidentCode; AccomodationCodeReason = accomodationCodeReason; ApptCatCode = apptCatCode; DischargeDisposition = dischargeDisposition; LateDischargeReason = lateDischargeReason; PointOfCare = pointOfCare; TransferReason = transferReason; VisitType = visitType; ResidentialStatus = residentialStatus; EncounterId = encounterId; }

} }

Seems like it is not setting values properly, please help to resolve the issue. I have raised one more ticket for the same but there is no response on ticket.

15 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    I could not reproduce the problem,

    Could you share your entities json files? my email is

  • User Avatar
    Priyanka created


    I could not reproduce the problem,

    Could you share your entities json files? my email is

    Hi, can you please try with the solution which I provided in ticket I have emailed you the solution.

  • User Avatar
    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    Yes, I tried the project you shared but couldn't reproduce

  • User Avatar
    Priyanka created


    Yes, I tried the project you shared but couldn't reproduce

    Hi, can you please tell me your abp suite version, it there any possibility that lower version can cause issue? in my machine by default, it is taking 5.3.2, I recently upgraded abp version with v8.1.1 and after that I'm adding table.

  • User Avatar
    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    my suite version is 8.1.3

  • User Avatar
    Priyanka created


    my suite version is 8.1.3

    How to upgrade this, I tried below command but still when I'm starting it is taking v5.3.2

  • User Avatar
    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    You are installed the 8.2.0 version now.

    You can try abp suite remote abp suite update --version 8.1.3

  • User Avatar
    Priyanka created

    abp suite update --version 8.1.3

    Hi getting this error

  • User Avatar
    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    should be abp suite remove

  • User Avatar
    Priyanka created

    abp suite remove

    tried this but still when launching abp suite it is starting with previous version

  • User Avatar
    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    I guess you have installed multiple versions.

    you can check it , see:

  • User Avatar
    Priyanka created


    I guess you have installed multiple versions.

    you can check it , see:

    you are right, now I'm able to create new table but getting build error

    In other files it is like this

    why there is change ?

  • User Avatar
    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer


    We changed the unit test codes in the template.

    You can create a new project and refer to the application change to the existing project.

  • User Avatar
    Priyanka created


    We changed the unit test codes in the template.

    You can create a new project and refer to the application change to the existing project.

    ok, I can still go with existing one? Or there will be any impact if I'll use existing.

  • User Avatar
    liangshiwei created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    yes you can.

    But the unit test code generated by the suite will be wrong

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 15, 2025, 12:18