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Error logging in to abp from the command line (commercial) #7653

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bilalchehab@gmail.com created


Recently I started managing another organization, so now my account belongs to two organizations. I tried to login to the new organization using the following command: abp login [myusername] -p [mypass] --organization [myOrganization1]

and I get the following error:

There is no entity OpenIddictApplication with id = [Guid]

I tried both the old cli and the new cli (v0.7.5), and both fail with the same error. Abp studio fails with the same error as well.

Please advise, as this is urgent. I cannot log in anymore to any organization, and right now I am blocked. Thanks.

2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    squarelab created

    Same here

  • User Avatar
    berkansasmaz created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    Hello, first of all, I am very sorry for such a late reply, this was somehow overlooked. If your problem still persists I can make some suggestions?

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