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⚠️ Bugs & Issues v8.3.x ⚠️ #7844

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EngincanV created
Support Team .NET Developer

⚡ Update ABP CLI and ABP Suite

dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Studio.Cli --version 0.8.1
abp suite update --version 8.3.0

📗 Blog post

  • https://abp.io/blog/announcing-abp-8-3-release-candidate
  • https://abp.io/blog/announcing-abp-8-3-stable-release

🔼 Migration guides

  • https://abp.io/docs/8.3/release-info/migration-guides/abp-8-3

✏️ Feel free to report any bugs, issues, and problems.

51 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    improwise created

    Why start template not published when a new version released? it is a long time can not get the template 8.3.1 after it released, abp cli and abp studio also upgraded to latest version.

    It seems like something weird is going on with the CLIs, see my other posts above. ABP needs to comment on this. Short version seem to be that in order to use latest version of ABP, we need to stop using ABP Studio and the new CLI and return to old CLI and ABP Suite. This assuming you can still actually create new versions in that with the old CLI installed. If not it seems we are back to only using the old CLI to create new solutions with the latest version of ABP :)


    Just tried to create a new solution with ABP Suite having only the old CLI installed (8.3.1) and you can only add existing solutions, not create new ones. Creating it using the old CLI you can then add it to ABPU Suite it seems, but perhaps not ideal DX.

  • User Avatar
    alper created
    Support Team Director

    Why start template not published when a new version released?
    it is a long time can not get the template 8.3.1 after it released, abp cli and abp studio also upgraded to latest version.

    It seems like something weird is going on with the CLIs, see my other posts above. ABP needs to comment on this. Short version seem to be that in order to use latest version of ABP, we need to stop using ABP Studio and the new CLI and return to old CLI and ABP Suite. This assuming you can still actually create new versions in that with the old CLI installed. If not it seems we are back to only using the old CLI to create new solutions with the latest version of ABP :)


    Just tried to create a new solution with ABP Suite having only the old CLI installed (8.3.1) and you can only add existing solutions, not create new ones. Creating it using the old CLI you can then add it to ABPU Suite it seems, but perhaps not ideal DX.

    @improwise Sometimes I respond to the feedback, sometimes not. But I'm reading all the feedback and reporting to the team.

    You can report bugs and issues under this topic, and for the Feature / Enhancement Requests you can write under https://abp.io/support/questions/3052/this topic

  • User Avatar
    improwise created

    Why start template not published when a new version released?
    it is a long time can not get the template 8.3.1 after it released, abp cli and abp studio also upgraded to latest version.

    It seems like something weird is going on with the CLIs, see my other posts above. ABP needs to comment on this. Short version seem to be that in order to use latest version of ABP, we need to stop using ABP Studio and the new CLI and return to old CLI and ABP Suite. This assuming you can still actually create new versions in that with the old CLI installed. If not it seems we are back to only using the old CLI to create new solutions with the latest version of ABP :)


    Just tried to create a new solution with ABP Suite having only the old CLI installed (8.3.1) and you can only add existing solutions, not create new ones. Creating it using the old CLI you can then add it to ABPU Suite it seems, but perhaps not ideal DX.

    @improwise Sometimes I respond to the feedback, sometimes not. But I'm reading all the feedback and reporting to the team.

    Thanks for responding.

    And how would we know if anyone at ABP is planing to do something about stuff being reported and also follow the progress?

    I suggest just adding a new tag "ABP Commercial" to the normal flow of issues on GitHub and this forum can actually be a support forum instead of what seems mostly to be about reporting bugs/problems these days. Should be a win-win for everyone.


  • User Avatar
    alper created
    Support Team Director

    the latest Studio creates ABP 8.3.1 projects

  • User Avatar
    alper created
    Support Team Director

    I updated my Studio and Suite to the latest

    And I couldn't see any errors like versions conflict etc...

    can you pls check it with the latest version @improwise

  • User Avatar
    improwise created

    I updated my Studio and Suite to the latest

    And I couldn't see any errors like versions conflict etc...

    can you pls check it with the latest version @improwise

    Hi and thanks for responding,

    It seems both ABP Studio and the new CLI has been updated now which was not the case when we tested this a few days ago (after you emailed about the new release of 8.3.1). ABP Studio now seem to have installed "ABP CLI 0.8.4 (Beta)" instead, not sure if that is supposed to be the same as the 8.3.1 even though it says beta?

    I find it quite confusing with these 2 separate CLIs which are apparently both being maintained. Depending on where you look, ABP either recommends using ABP Studio and the new CLI, in other places, like GitHub, the old CLI is instead recommended and the new CLI isn't even mentioned. In this case, the old CLI was obviously updated before the new one.

    What is the recommended approach to create production ready ABP solutions as an ABP Commercial customer?


  • User Avatar
    alper created
    Support Team Director

    The old CLI is legacy, and we are not adding any new features. This version is for the ones who have old ABP projects and don't want to upgrade (basically for backward compatibility). You need to use the new CLI and Studio.

    Where did you see the recommendation to use the old CLI version?

  • User Avatar
    improwise created

    The old CLI is legacy, and we are not adding any new features. This version is for the ones who have old ABP projects and don't want to upgrade (basically for backward compatibility).
    You need to use the new CLI and Studio.

    Where did you see the recommendation to use the old CLI version?


    Thanks for clarifying this.

    It is basically the first thing you see browsing ABP on GitHub (it should probably be updated with a ".Studio")


    (The link below seems to point to the new API though)


    Also, there seem to be no mentioning of ABP Studio on that page either, which as I understand it is now available for non commercial version as well.

  • User Avatar
    alper created
    Support Team Director

    @improwise thank you very much. we'll update the Readme soon.

  • User Avatar
    vd created

    On Angular, mobile layout, the page scroll is preserved between pages where it should not :

    Confirmed on https://demo.abp.io/ which I presume is the latest version

  • User Avatar
    alper created
    Support Team Director

    On Angular, mobile layout, the page scroll is preserved between pages where it should not :

    Confirmed on https://demo.abp.io/ which I presume is the latest version

    didn't understand the problem here. can you show the correct / expected behaviour?

  • User Avatar
    improwise created

    On Angular, mobile layout, the page scroll is preserved between pages where it should not :

    Confirmed on https://demo.abp.io/ which I presume is the latest version

    didn't understand the problem here. can you show the correct / expected behaviour?

    I believe that what is meant is that when navigating to a new page, it should start from the top rather than at the scroll position of the previous page.

  • User Avatar
    oyku.erman created
    Support Team

    On Angular, mobile layout, the page scroll is preserved between pages where it should not :

    Confirmed on https://demo.abp.io/ which I presume is the latest version

    I opened an issue for the problem and we will solve it ASAP. Thank you for your contribution.

  • User Avatar
    Buckoge created


    Subject: Issue with File Handling using new File Type in Create and Edit Modals (ABP Suite v8.3.1) MVC Razor Page

    I’ve identified an issue related to file handling in the application while using ABP Suite v8.3.1. I followed the standard process by creating two properties—one for string and one for File—without making any manual changes to the generated code. Here are the specific issues:

    File Submission: When a user selects a file for the first time on create modal, the file is saved as expected. However, if the user cancels the submit action on the modal, the file is not deleted.

    File Deletion on Edit: In the edit modal, when a user clicks the delete button, it allows the user to select a new file, but the previously uploaded file is not deleted from the system.

    I’m not sure if this is the correct place to report such issues, as I couldn’t find a dedicated section for ABP Suite bugs and fixes.

  • User Avatar
    rwright-ruhealth created

    Cms Kit also doesn't work well since it's missing a library

    I found that there are some missing libraries installed too (Created the project from ABP STUDIO)

    In Application project, It's missing Volo.CmsKit.Pro.Common.Application
    In Application.Contracts, it's missing Volo.CmsKit.Pro.Common.Application.Contracts
    In HtpApi.Client, it's missing Volo.CmsKit.Pro.Admin.HttpApi.Client
    In Web, It's missing Volo.CsmKit.Pro.Web

    CodeMirror changed a lot from version 5 to version 6, ABP tries to use CodeMirror 6 but is not updated with the actual new project structure

    In a MVC project created from ABP Studio

    I small workaround is to add the libraries and run the following npm
    npm i codemirror@5.65.18

    Do we want to use CodeMirror6? is there a plan to make it work or was just a mistake to push codemirror6 in the npm?

    After updating my project to 8.3.1 and 0.9.1 for ABP Studio, codemirror Error is popping up. My fix was to add the code mirror v5 files from codemirror's website to my main web app wwwroot/lib/codemirror folder. Then everything started working again. I must admit I am getting extremely frustrated going from a working project to one that completely fails everytime I update or add source code. It is costing many,many hours of development downtime trying to figure out what just broke? I like ABP and Studio, I would really like the product if I wasn't constantly beta testing everything.

  • User Avatar
    improwise created

    After updating my project to 8.3.1 and 0.9.1 for ABP Studio, codemirror Error is popping up. My fix was to add the code mirror v5 files from codemirror's website to my main web app wwwroot/lib/codemirror folder. Then everything started working again. I must admit I am getting extremely frustrated going from a working project to one that completely fails everytime I update or add source code. It is costing many,many hours of development downtime trying to figure out what just broke? I like ABP and Studio, I would really like the product if I wasn't constantly beta testing everything.

    I share your concerns about ABP Studio, it seems really promising but also like it is not quite there yet to use for stable production projects. Which creates a kind of weird situation with old stable CLI being phased out and ABP Suite being gimped so you can't create new projects with it.

  • User Avatar
    improwise created


    Until ABP Studio is out of beta and actually ready for production, can you PLEASE bring back the possibility to create new solutions in ABP Suite?

    I realize that this might not be ideal in some regards, but while really promising, ABP Studio and the new CLI just isn't there yet to feel like a safe environment to start new projects intended for actual production and also misses features like Docker-support etc. There is also still a lot of documentation that seem to be missing in the new documentation that is only available in the old one and also parts of the new documentation that is incorrect (mixing what is correct for new CLI with what is correct for the old CLI, like folder structure etc). This back and forth between different tools and CLIs as well as constant bug hunting honestly has us considering our options ATM.


  • User Avatar
    vd created

    In Angular, default cookie and privacy policy links are wrong :

    Please update the urls in app.module :

  • User Avatar
    vd created

    Since upgrading to 8.3.1, I get a lot of warnings in the console :

    Warnings seem to be related to menu items. I think that the tracking expression when enumerating the menu entries should be adjusted on your side.

  • User Avatar
    MartinEhv created

    Verions:** 8.3.2** Blazor Web App / Hybrid MASTER > CHILD Templating : 2 problems 1-N and N-N Relation

    Building a 1-N and N-N Relation is fine. If you add a relation to the master after the child is built you get a series of errors. In a recent version i'm confident I was able to do this with only the Blazor template error, not DTO error. The DTO error seems new. (maybe I need to reboot, i dunno.. buti've tested 3 times now)

    1. Create normal Master record in the Suite. 1b) Save generate build
    2. Create a child linked to the master. 2c) Save, generate build
    3. Go to the Master. Add a N-N relationship 3B Build will fail.

    ISSUE 1: BLAZOR TEMPLATE missing closing /Content and /Tabs tags

    ISSUE 2: DTO not being generated correctly.

    These behaviors ONLY happen when you create the 1-N/N-N AFTER the child relation.

  • User Avatar
    portx-dev created

    In 8.3.2, there are 2 issues compared to 8.2.3

    • In Sass > Tenants: "Login with this tenant" menu is not displayed
    • In Settings > Feature management, child feature is displayed on the same level as parent feature





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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    hi portx-dev

    Les discuss in https://abp.io/support/questions/8203/


  • User Avatar
    rafael.gonzales created

    There is a critical bug in version 8.3.x (found bug in 8.3.2 and 8.3.3)

    In ABP 8.3.x, MVC Project, Tiered

    The datatables.net ordering feature overlaps the custom order feature of ABP sources in the same tables

    It breaks even the compiled modules in the project. For example, now you can re-order the "User Count" column in Roles page; if you try to do it, it will throw an error.

    Please, give me a reference if you found the issue, if there is a temporary solution or when can be fixed.


  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    hi rafael.gonzales

    Please add a user-roles.js to the wwwroot folder to disable the order of the user count column.


    (function ($) {
            function (columnList) {
                columnList.last.value.orderable = false;
            }, 1);
    private void ConfigureBundles()
        Configure<AbpBundlingOptions>(options =>
                bundle =>
                bundle =>

    The datatables.net ordering feature overlaps the custom order feature of ABP sources in the same tables

    We will fix this in the next patch version.

    You can try https://abp.io/support/questions/8209/Datatables-issues-with-iconswidth#answer-3a1616b3-897c-df8c-aa95-eb8c1a52aed7

  • User Avatar
    improwise created

    It seem like the new CLI when using --old does not work if you have a Windows username with a space in it (Firstname Lastname). The actual old CLI as well as the new CLI without the --old does not seem to have this problem. Is there a way to make it work?

    \src>abp new BookStore --old [10:36:38 ERR] 'C:\Users\Firstname' is not recognized as an internal or external command, [10:36:38 ERR] operable program or batch file.

    (And yes, I am well aware of the fact that Windows in general have limitations with usernames with a space in it even in 2024).

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 07, 2025, 05:40